Go to the Code tab |
Go to the Issues tab. For more information, see "About issues." |
Go to the Pull requests tab. For more information, see "About pull requests." |
Go to the Actions tab. For more information, see "Learn GitHub Actions." |
Go to the Projects tab. For more information, see "About projects (classic)." |
Go to the Wiki tab. For more information, see "About wikis." |
Go to the Discussions tab. For more information, see "About discussions." |
Inserts Markdown formatting for bolding text |
Inserts Markdown formatting for italicizing text |
Inserts Markdown formatting for creating a link |
Inserts Markdown formatting for an ordered list |
Inserts Markdown formatting for an unordered list |
Inserts Markdown formatting for a quote |
Open source code file in the Edit file tab |
Start searching in file editor |
Find next |
Find previous |
Replace |
Replace all |
Jump to line |
Undo |
Redo |
Toggles between the Edit file and Preview changes tabs |
Write a commit message |
Activates the file finder |
Jump to a line in your code |
Switch to a new branch or tag |
Expand a URL to its canonical form. For more information, see "Getting permanent links to files." |
Show or hide comments on diffs. For more information, see "Commenting on a pull request." |
Show or hide annotations on diffs |
Open blame view. For more information, see "Viewing a file." |
Inserts Markdown formatting for bolding text |
Inserts Markdown formatting for italicizing text |
Inserts Markdown formatting for code or a command within a line |
Inserts Markdown formatting for creating a link |
Creates a Markdown link when applied over highlighted text |
Toggles between the Write and Preview comment tabs |
Pastes HTML link as plain text |
Inserts Markdown formatting for an ordered list |
Inserts Markdown formatting for an unordered list |
Submits a comment |
Opens saved replies menu and then autofills comment field with a saved reply. For more information, see "About saved replies." |
Inserts Markdown formatting for a quote |
Quote the selected text in your reply. For more information, see "Basic writing and formatting syntax." |
Create an issue |
Focus your cursor on the issues or pull requests search bar. For more information, see "Filtering and searching issues and pull requests." |
Filter by author |
Filter by or edit labels. For more information, see "Filtering and searching issues and pull requests." |
Advertisement |
While filtering by labels, exclude labels. For more information, see "Filtering and searching issues and pull requests." |
Filter by or edit milestones. For more information, see "Filtering issues and pull requests by milestone." |
Filter by or edit assignee. For more information, see "Filtering and searching issues and pull requests." |
Open issue |
Request a reviewer. For more information, see "Requesting a pull request review." |
Set a milestone. For more information, see "Associating milestones with issues and pull requests." |
Apply a label. For more information, see "Managing labels." |
Set an assignee. For more information, see "Assigning issues and pull requests to other GitHub users." |
Link an issue or pull request from the same repository. For more information, see "Linking a pull request to an issue." |
Toggles between the Write and Preview tabs |
Open the Commits dropdown menu to filter which commits are shown in the diffs |
Move your cursor to the "Filter changed files" field |
Submit a review comment |
Toggle between collapsing and expanding all outdated or resolved review comments in a pull request (for example, by holding down Alt and clicking Show outdated or Hide outdated) |
then |
Comment on multiple lines of a pull request by clicking a line number, holding Shift, then clicking another line number. For more information, see "Commenting on a pull request." |
Toggle edit mode for the focused cell |
Cancel editing for the focused cell |
Open row actions menu |
Select item |
Open selected item |
Archive selected items |
Start moving the focused card |
Cancel the move in progress |
Complete the move in progress |
Move card down |
Move card to the bottom of the column |
Move card up |
Move card to the top of the column |
Move card to the bottom of the column on the left |
Move card to the top of the column on the left |
Move card to the bottom of the leftmost column |
Move card to the top of the leftmost column |
Move card to the bottom of the column on the right |
Move card to the top of the column on the right |
Move card to the bottom of the rightmost column |
Close the card preview pane |
Mark as done |
Mark as unread |
Mark as read |
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Scroll right |
Scroll up |
Scroll down |
Scroll all the way left |
Scroll all the way right |
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