Create a new document |
Create a new document from a Template |
Open an existing document |
Close the current document |
Save the current document |
Save the current document with a different name |
Save the current document as a Template |
Print Preview |
Print the current document |
Export the document (or page) as an image |
Quit Scribus |
Copy |
Cut |
Paste |
Undo last action |
Redo last undone action |
Select All |
Advanced Select All |
Deselect All |
Rotate the currently selected item (drag to rotate) |
Some interesting things about the Copy, Cut, and Paste functions is that they do not just apply to text. If you copy an object, like a text frame, image frame, or shape for example, you can then paste these on another page, and it will be placed with the same X-Pos, Y-pos it had in the original location. You can also use graphics inside a body of text, something called inline graphics, if you paste while in Edit Contents mode in the text frame. Weirder still is that you can copy/cut and paste a text frame that might include inline graphics as inline graphics itself.
Related Mouse Actions
Constrain angle to 15 degree steps while rotating |
Delete selected object(s) |
Duplicate selected object(s) |
Duplicate selected object(s) multiple times |
Group multiple objects together |
Ungroup objects |
Raise object to the highest level |
Raise object to the next level up |
Lower object to the next level down |
Lower object to the lowest level |
Toggle the locking of the currently selected object |
Toggle the locking of the size of the currently selected object |
Related Mouse Actions
Constrain object to vertical/horizontal axis after dragging has started |
Resize proportionally after dragging by a handle has started |
Add object to selection set |
Select object on next level down under currently selected object |
Move object under the currently selected object |
Insert new text frame |
Edit text frame contents (inline editing) |
Edit text frame contents with the Story Editor |
Import text from external file |
Link text frame to another text frame |
Unlink text frame from other text frames |
Search (and Replace) text |
Spellcheck |
Advertisement |
Related Mouse Actions
Scroll list of fonts in font drop-down list a page at a time |
Insert Line Break (start new line without starting a new paragraph) |
Insert Frame Break (force text to jump to the next linked frame) |
Insert Column Break (force text to jump to the next column) |
Move to the start of the current paragraph |
Move to the end of the current paragraph |
Move to the start of the current text frame |
Move to the end of the current text frame |
Related Mouse Actions
Select the whole word where double-clicked |
Select the whole paragraph where double-clicked |
Insert non-breaking hyphen |
Insert non-breaking space |
Insert page number |
Insert soft (smart) hyphen |
Start special unicode sequence |
Insert new image frame |
Import image into frame |
Change image effects |
Copy image contents |
Paste image contents |
Paste image contents (absolute location) |
Eyedropper (get colour from image) |
Resize image smaller (in image edit mode on free scaling image only) |
Resize image larger (in image edit mode on free scaling image only) |
Related Mouse Actions
On an image frame, enters image editing mode (frame must be set to free scaling first). |
Insert new bezier line/curve |
Insert new freehand line |
Insert new line |
Insert new shape (shape defaults to the last shape drawn, or a rectangle if the first shape drawn) |
Insert new polygon |
Insert new table frame |
Insert new render frame (a rendering engine - e.g. LaTeX - must be installed first) |
Related Mouse Actions
Constrain angle to 15 degree steps while drawing a line |
Zoom to drawn area |
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
Zoom to 100% |
Zoom to fit height of page |
Toggle display of all guides (including rulers) |
Toggle display of all palettes (except "Align and Distribute") |
Toggle display of rulers |
Related Mouse Actions
Zoom IN or OUT (may not work on OS X). |
Move selected item(s) by 1 unit in arrow key direction |
Move selected item(s) by 0.1 units in arrow key direction |
Move selected item(s) by 10 units in arrow key direction |
Move selected item(s) by 0.01 units in arrow key direction |
Resize selected item(s) outwards by 1 unit in arrow key direction |
Resize selected item(s) inwards by 1 unit in arrow key direction |
Source: Scribus wiki
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