Toggle to hide or unhide the Navigation frame |
Open the Actions > View Account Activity dialog |
Calculate the net income or loss and display the results in the View Net Income/Loss dialog |
Within a field, move one character to the left |
Within a grid, move one cell to the left |
Within a field, move one character to the right |
Within a grid, move one cell to the right |
Within a date field, increment the date by one day |
Within a grid, move up one row |
Within a date field, decrement the date by one day |
Within a grid, move down one row |
Move to beginning of field |
Move to end of field |
Within a date field, increment the date by one day |
Within a date field, decrement the date by one day |
Within a grid, move to the first row |
Within a setup screen or the Enter Transactions screen, save the current record, remain in Edit mode, and move up one record |
Within a grid, move to the last row |
Within a setup screen or the Enter Transactions screen, save the current record, remain in Edit mode, and move down one record (or, if in Add mode, open a new record) |
Move to the next field in the screen |
Move to the previous field in the screen |
Move to the next tab within a tabbed view |
Move to the previous tab within a tabbed view |
When navigating and editing content in a grid, toggle between Navigation mode (to move between fields in the grid) and Cell Edit mode (to place the cursor at the end of the text within a cell) |
Open a calendar in a date field, open a calculator in an amount field, or open a drop-down list in a selected field |
Save changes for the current item in the active screen. |
Exit the application |
Open a report or layout |
Save a report or layout |
Select all objects in a report or layout |
Open the File > Print > Options dialog |
Open the Format > Cells dialog (Report Designer) |
Rotate selected object left (Layout Designer) |
Rotate selected object right (Layout Designer) |
Group selected objects (Layout Designer) |
Ungroup selected objects (Layout Designer) |
Bring selected object to front (Layout Designer) |
Send selected object to back (Layout Designer) |
Move one cell to left (Report Designer); move selected object to left (Layout Designer) |
Move one cell to right (Report Designer); move selected object to right (Layout Designer) |
Move up a row (Report Designer); move selected object up (Layout Designer) |
Move down a row (Report Designer); move selected object down (Layout Designer) |
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Move cursor focus to the top-left cell of the selected region (Report Designer) |
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