Select left or right cell |
Select the cell above or below |
Select multiple adjacent cells in a row |
Select multiple adjacent cells in a column |
If a blinking cursor is inserted in a cell, highlight multiple characters to the right or left of the cursor |
(when cell contents selected) Select the contents of the right cell |
(when cell contents selected) Select the contents of the left cell |
(when cell contents selected) Select the contents of the cell below |
(when cell contents selected) Select the contents of the cell above |
Scroll up or down when all cells in a table are not displayed |
Locate and flash previously selected row |
Locate and flash next selected row |
(to the column name in the column panel) Scroll to a column |
Find |
Find next |
Find previous (selected) in a script |
Replace and find next |
Use selection for find |
New data table |
New script window |
New journal |
Open file |
Save file |
Save as |
Save all |
Close multiple windows |
Exit program |
Help |
Preferences |
Cut |
Paste |
Copy |
Copy as text |
Copy with column names |
Paste with column names |
Undo |
Redo |
Select all |
Journal the report |
Edit the display box properties in a report |
Clear all highlights from the data table |
To select multiple options, hold down the Control and Option key, click a gray disclosure icon or red triangle icon, and then select options |
Read descriptions of shortcuts below to see how they work (where to click, drag, etc.).
To change the number of displayed decimal places, double-click a numeric column, select Fixed Dec from the Format list, and enter the number of decimal places in the Dec field |
To turn numeric report output into a data table, Right-click in the report and select Make into Data Table |
Werbung |
To display Row Legend in most graphics, hold down the Control key, click in the graphic and select Row Legend |
To select multiple category values (levels) in a Row Legend, hold down the Cmd key and click each category |
To deselect category values (levels) in a Row Legend, hold down the Cmd key and click each category |
To select points in rectangular regions, click and drag the arrow tool in a plot. Extend selection by holding down the Shift key |
In certain reports, apply a command to all similar reports in that window: Hold down the Cmd key, click the red triangle icon, and then select the command |
Change axis specifications in most graphs, double-click or hold down the Option key and click the axis to open the Axis Specification window |
To resize all similar graphs in a report, hold down the Cmd key and resize one graph |
To select multiple bars in a Distribution graph, hold down the Shift or Cmd key and click the bars |
(click the bars) Deselect multiple bars in a Distribution graph |
To create a subset of the data table from a histogram, double-click a single bar, or hold down the Shift key and double-click for multiple bars |
To select or deselect non-adjacent bars in a Pareto plot, hold down the Cmd key and click the bars |
To select a range of adjacent bars in a Pareto plot, hold down the Shift key and click the outer bars of the range |
To create a subset of the data table from a Pareto plot, for a single bar, double-click the bar. For non-adjacent bars, hold down the Cmd key, click the non-adjacent bars, and then double-click one bar. For adjacent bars, hold down the Shift key and double-click the right-most bar |
To select or deselect a range of adjacent rows or columns, hold down the Shift key and click the first and last row or column in the range |
To select or deselect non-adjacent rows or columns, hold down the Cmd key and click each row or column |
To deselect rows and columns, click the top triangular region in the upper left corner of the data grid to deselect columns. Click the bottom triangular region to deselect rows |
To repeat values or a sequence of values in a column, Hold down the Control key and click on selected cells. Select Fill and the appropriate command |
Run script (submit to JSL parser) |
Reformat script |
Shift left |
Shift right |
Submit to SAS |
Balance |
Indent selection right |
Indent selection left |
Display list of valid commands |
Run current line |
+ |
(click and drag cursor) Select a non-rectangular block of text |
(hold down the Option key, and drag the cursor over the text) Select a rectangular block of text |
To select multiple rectangular blocks of text, hold down the Cmd key and drag the cursor over a non-rectangular block of text. Move the cursor to a new location and repeat. Copying, cutting and then dragging the cursor collects the text in the order in which each block was selected. |
To check that parentheses, braces, and brackets (or "fences") are matched in a script, place the cursor to the left of the opening fence or to the right of the closing fence |
Save the project |
Close the currently selected tab |
Save the project with a different name |
Return the focus to the current tab |
Enter arithmetic expressions |
Insert new argument or repeat operation |
Delete expression |
Enter an exponent |
Edit the parameter in the Parameters list |
Insert a new argument before the selected field |
Subscript |
Unary sign change |
And |
Or |
Not |
Less than |
Greater than |
Equal to |
To build Match function conditionals, select a column from Table Columns list. Hold down the Shift key and select Match from Conditional formula list |
Was ist Ihr Lieblings-Hotkey für JMP 15 (macOS) ? Habt ihr dazu nützliche Tipps? Informieren Sie unten andere Benutzer darüber.
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