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Move left within horizontal inline content, or change boost/ban status in site info modal |
Move right within horizontal inline content, or change boost/ban status in site info modal |
Go to highlighted result (or open first result, which would be highlighted) |
Focus the search bar |
Reset highlight scroll state to first result, or close site info modal |
Open Control Center |
Open site info modal on the currently highlighted result if applicable, or close it if already open |
Open web search tab |
Open images tab |
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Open maps tab |
Open news tab |
Cycle forward between navigation tabs |
Cycle backwards between navigation tabs |
Search Operators
filetype: — Returns only search results that match a particular file extension, for example: us census 1860 filetype:pdf. The filetypes available in Kagi Search come from anonymized queries of the available Google filetypes and Bing filetypes. (Bing does not provide a filetypes list.)
site: — Returns only search results from a particular website, for example: best in show dog site:akc.org
inurl: — Finds webpages whose URL includes a term of phrase, for example: best headphones inurl:forum
intitle: — Finds webpages whose title includes a term of phrase, for example: chess intitle:books
"words" — Finds the exact words in a phrase, for example: "survival is insufficient"
() — Finds or excludes webpages that contain a group of words, examples below
AND — Finds webpages that contain all the terms or phrases, for example: sweaters (christmas AND ugly)
+ and - — Finds webpages that contain or exclude a term or phrase, for example: food +cat -dog
OR — Finds webpages that contain either of the terms or phrases, for example: recipes (szechuan OR cantonese)
* — Matches any word, for example: best * ever
!bang — Use Kagi bangs, for example you can use !r to directly search reddit: !r han shot first
\query or query ! — Opens the first result of the search, for example: \tommy westphall universe hypothesis or outfit movie !
!k — Bang that performs a standard Kagi Web search, for example !k benefits of ice baths. This can be useful if you are on the Images, Videos, News, or Maps tabs and want to do a Web search without changing tabs.
!i — Bang that performs a Kagi Image search, for example: !i webb telescope photos
!v — Bang that performs a Kagi Video search, for example: !v emmanuel don't do it
!n — Bang that performs a Kagi News search, for example: !n apple
!m — Bang that performs a Kagi Maps search, for example: !m eiffel tower
calc — Opens a widget that can perform math calculations, unit conversions, and currency conversions, for example: calc. The widget opens automatically when you search for a calculation, like (45 * 2) / (5 + 10).
ip address — Check your IP address by searching for ip address
timer / stopwatch — Search for timer or stopwatch to see a widget with those functions
translate — Open a language translation widget by searching for translate
Source: Kagi help
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