Open the current page in a new window |
Display information about the current page or content |
Save the page source |
Save the page as text |
Full save of the web page, including images etc |
Save the page as a Drawfile |
View the page source code in a text editor |
Open the print dialogue box |
Scroll down by one page |
Scroll up by one page |
Scroll down one line |
Go to the bottom of the page |
Scroll up one line |
Go to the top of the page |
Open the scale view window |
Reduce scale of view |
Increase scale of view |
Reduce scale of view by 10% |
Increase scale of view by 10% |
View box outlines. This may be useful if you are creating your own web page. Cyan marks the content's edge, magenta marks the padding's edge and yellow marks the margin's edge. |
Open the documentation contents page in a new window |
Move the caret to URL bar and clear it to "www." |
Open the text search window |
Open the hotlist management window |
Open the local history window |
Open the global history window |
Close the window |
Source: NetSurf documentation
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