Toggle Auto-Pass |
Full Text and Actions |
Hold to Zoom |
Hold to Auto-Mana |
Pass Priority/OK |
Pass Until Response |
Yes |
No |
Stop Passing |
Pass Turn |
Hold to Keep Priority |
Primary Action |
Toggle Auto-Stack Triggers |
Zoom Card |
Hold to Reveal Face-Down |
Cancel |
Undo |
Pass priority once |
Pass priority for the rest of the turn or until your opponent does anything or you’re prompted to attack or block |
Pass priority for the rest of the turn, unless you’re prompted to attack or block |
Place all like triggers on the stack automatically |
Cancel all previous yields |
Pass priority for the rest of the game |
Shortcut for choosing "Yes" |
Shortcut for choosing "No" |
Holding M while tapping a land for mana will make it automatically use the mana ability printed first on the card |
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