Stop |
Attack Mode |
Select All Fighting Units |
Select All of Same Unit Near (after clicking on a unit) |
Select All of Same Unit on Map |
Label Group/Unit/Building as the Number You Selected |
Select the Numbered Group/Unit/Building |
Formation |
Scatter |
Guard |
(select units) Add a Group or Unit to an Already Selected Group |
Queue 5 Units From a Building |
Combine Different Units |
Demolish Building |
Demolish Building in Progress |
Set a Waypoint |
then |
(Click Building, Right Click on the Map) Set a Rally Point |
… to |
View Citadel |
Cycle Through Heroes |
View That Numbered Group |
then |
(Click One Unit, then Right Click Another) Combine Units (does not work with all units) |
View Power Point Menu |
Place Beacon |
Talk Globally |
Talk to Team |
Communicator |
Horse Shield |
Banner Carrier |
Heavy Armor |
Forged Blades |
Advertisement |
Apply Forged Blades |
Apply Heavy Armor |
Apply Banner Carrier |
Apply Horse Shields |
Fire Arrows |
Apply Fire Arrows |
Tower Upgrade |
Numenor Stonework |
Reinforced Gate |
Siege Materials |
Grand Harvest |
Iron Ore |
Firestones |
Apply Firestones |
Elves Toggle Sword/Bow |
Boromir Horn of Gondor |
Boromir/Faramir Captain of Gondor |
Faramir Toggle Sword/Bow |
Faramir Wounding Arrow |
Repair Gate/Wall |
Pippin Toggle Rock/Sword |
Pippin Cloak |
Faramir Ranger Mode |
Gandalf Wizard Blast |
Gandalf Lightning Sword |
Gandalf Mount |
Gandalf Istari Light |
Gandalf Word of Power |
Trebuchet Halt Fire |
Trebuchet Bombard |
Merry Toggle Rock/Sword |
Merry Cloak |
Peasent Repair |
Elves Toggle Sword/Bow |
Legolas Hawkstrike |
Legolas Knife Fighter |
Legolas Train Archers |
Legolas Arrow Wind |
Theoden Glorious Charge |
Theoden King's Favor |
Aragorn Athelas |
Aragorn Blade Master |
Aragorn Elendil |
Aragorn Summon Oathbreakers |
Gimli Axe Throw |
Gimli Leap |
Gimli Slayer |
Eomer Spear |
Eowyn Smite |
Eowyn Disguise |
Eowyn Shield Maiden |
Theoden/Eomer Mount |
Ent/Treebeard Grab Building Chunk |
What is your favorite BFME 2 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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