Print record |
Cut |
Copy |
Paste |
Insert field before |
Insert field after |
Delete field |
Unselect text |
Insert subfield |
Edit cell |
Special character entry |
Special character mode toggle on/off |
Show MARC values |
Show holdings locations |
Insert URL from browser |
Open leader |
Open 006 |
Open 007 |
Open 008 |
Display holdings |
Display items |
Display authorities |
Display bib tree |
Close bib tree |
Retrieves all records highlighted on the bib tree |
Search |
Return to Titles Index |
Return to Headings list |
Next record (of multiple open records) |
Close active record |
Close all open records |
Retrieve by barcode |
Retrieve by bib_id |
Retrieve by mfhd_id |
Retrieve by item_id |
Retrieve by auth_id |
Create new bib record |
Create new auth record |
Create new mfhd record |
Create new item record |
Copy record |
Import record from new file |
Import record from previous file |
Save record to database |
New template |
Edit template |
Advertisement |
Save As |
Save to database |
Copy |
Diacritic Mode |
Diacritic Entry |
Global Headings Change |
Validate heading |
Verify 856 Link |
Show Holdings Locations |
Print record |
Save to database and close |
Save |
Insert URL from browser |
Paste |
Cut |
Close open window |
Open LDR |
Open 006 |
Open 007 |
Open 008 |
(with cursor in 852 subfield b) Display valid locations |
Cut text |
Copy text |
Paste text |
Minimize record window |
Maximize record window |
Restore minimized window |
View record history |
Close the active window (works in all Circulation windows) |
Edit the displayed patron record |
Close the Edit Patron Record window |
Highlight entire field when cursor defaults to end of field |
Highlight entire field when cursor defaults to beginning of field |
File menu |
File > Login info |
File > Exit |
Open Name tab |
Edit Name Type to Personal |
Edit Name Type to Institutional |
Edit Institution ID field |
Edit Expires date field |
Edit Purge Date field |
Open Address tab |
Check/Uncheck Protect Address option |
Open Phone tab |
Edit Phone Type to Primary |
Edit Phone Type to Mobile |
Edit Phone Type to Fax |
Edit Phone Type to Other |
Source: folger.edu, exlibrisgroup.com
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