Show or hide the shortcut reference sheet |
Go to your Projects page |
Go to your Groups page |
Go to your Activity page |
Go to your Milestones page |
Go to your Snippets page |
Put cursor in the search bar |
Put cursor in the filter bar |
Go to your Issues page |
Go to your Merge requests page |
Go to your To-Do List page |
Show or hide the Performance Bar |
Hide tooltips or popovers |
Toggle between GitLab and GitLab Next (GitLab SaaS only) |
Open the Web IDE |
These shortcuts are available for comments, replies, issue descriptions, and merge request descriptions.
Edit your last comment. You must be in a blank text field below a thread, and you must already have at least one comment in the thread |
Toggle Markdown preview when editing text in a text field that has Write and Preview tabs at the top |
Bold the selected text (surround it with **) |
Italicize the selected text (surround it with _) |
Strike through the selected text (surround it with ~~) |
Add a link (surround the selected text with []()) |
These shortcuts are available from any page in a project. You must type them relatively quickly to work, and they take you to another page in the project.
Go to the project home page (Project > Details). |
Go to the project activity feed (Project > Activity). |
Go to the project releases list (Project > Releases). |
Go to the project files list (Repository > Files). |
Go to the project file search page. (Repository > Files, select Find Files). |
Go to the project commits list (Repository > Commits). |
Go to the repository graph page (Repository > Graph). |
Go to repository charts (Analytics > Repository Analytics). |
Go to the project issues list (Issues > List). |
Go to the New Issue page (Issues, select New Issue ). |
Go to the project issue boards list (Issues > Boards). |
Go to the project merge requests list (Merge Requests). |
Go to the CI/CD jobs list (CI/CD > Jobs). |
Go to the project metrics (Monitor > Metrics). |
Go to the project environments (Deployments > Environments). |
Go to the project Kubernetes cluster integration page (Infrastructure > Kubernetes clusters). You must have at least maintainer permissions to access this page. |
Go to the project snippets list (Snippets). |
Go to the project wiki (Wiki), if enabled. |
Open the Web IDE. |
Search for, and then jump to a file for review. |
Add cursor above |
Add cursor below |
Add cursors to line ends |
Add line comment |
Add selection to next find match |
Change all occurrences |
Command palette |
Copy line down |
Copy line up (Linux note) |
Cursor undo |
Delete all left |
Delete line |
Delete word |
Expand selection |
File finder |
Find |
Find next |
Find next selection (Linux note) |
Find previous |
Find previous selection |
Fold |
Fold all |
Fold all block comments |
Fold all regions |
Fold all regions except selected |
Fold level 1 |
Fold level 2 |
Fold level 3 |
Fold level 4 |
Fold level 5 |
Fold level 6 |
Fold level 7 |
Fold recursively |
Go to bracket |
Go to line or column |
Go to next problem (error, warning, information) |
Go to next problem in files (error, warning, information) |
Go to previous problem (error, warning, information) |
Go to previous problem in files (error, warning, information) |
Indent line |
Insert line above |
Insert line below |
Join lines (Linux note) |
Move last selection to next find match |
Move line down |
Move line up |
Outdent line |
Preview Markdown (Linux note) |
Remove line comment |
Replace |
Replace with next value |
Replace with previous value |
Save files |
Select all occurrences of find match |
Set selection anchor |
Show accessibility help |
Show editor context menu |
Show hover |
Shrink selection |
Toggle block comment |
Toggle fold |
Toggle Tab key moves focus |
Toggle line comment |
Trigger Suggest |
Trim trailing whitespace |
Unfold |
Unfold all |
Unfold all regions |
Unfold all regions except selected |
Unfold recursively |
Trim trailing whitespace |
Commit (when editing the commit message). |
What is your favorite GitLab (Windows) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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