Cut |
Copy |
Paste |
Select All |
Katakana (Japanese) Font Entry Mode Toggle |
Hiragana (Japanese) Font Entry Mode Toggle |
Puny (Small Caps) Font Entry Mode Toggle |
Glyph (Icons) Font Entry |
Insert/overwrite toggle |
Add indented line and 'END' |
Start of line |
End of line |
Start of document |
End of document |
Previous word |
Next word |
Previous function |
Next function |
Indent selection |
Un-indent selection |
Undo |
Redo |
Find text in current tab |
Find text aGain |
Repeat search across tabs (Hyper search) |
Go to Line number |
Duplicate current line |
Toggle comment Block |
Switch to next tab |
Switch to previous tab |
All tools |
Pan tool |
Copy |
Note: When a sprite or range of sprites is copied to the clipboard, they may be pasted into other programs as a text-encoded representation. This representation can be uploaded in a BBS post and will show as the actual sprite. Similarly, a sprite encoded in text may be copied from outside of PICO-8 and pasted into the sprite editor.
Paste (at current sprite location) |
Undo/Redo (single-step) |
Previous sprite |
Advertisement |
Next sprite |
Sprite above |
Sprite below |
Previous color |
Next color |
Toggle full view |
Replace color |
Shift by one pixel |
Flip Horizontal |
Flip Vertical |
Rotate 90° CCW |
Zoom |
or | |||
Draw tool |
Copy |
Paste (at upper left) |
Replace color |
Color Picker |
Stamp tool |
Stamp with color 0 transparent |
Select tool |
Select none |
Lower sprite sheet area |
Select multiple sprites (for flip, shift, copy, rotate) |
Move a sprite to another sprite and changes all sprites on map equal to the sprite number to the new sprite number |
Both views |
Swap pitch/note views |
Increase Speed |
Decrease Speed |
Increase Speed by 4 |
Decrease Speed by 4 |
Switch to Next Sound Effect |
Switch to Previous Sound Effect |
Switch to n+4 Sound Effect |
Switch to n-4 Sound Effect |
(on an instrument) Change all notes to the selected instrument |
Note view |
For each of the transpose shortcuts, you need to have notes selected.
(on the notes. First click is left side, second click is right side) Select Multiple Notes |
(on an effect) Apply Effect to All Notes |
Navigate up/down 4 notes |
Navigate to left/right column |
Transpose +1 (one semitone) |
Transpose +2 |
Transpose +3 |
Transpose +4 |
Transpose +5 |
Transpose +6 |
Transpose +7 |
Transpose +8 |
Transpose +9 |
Transpose +10 |
Transpose +11 |
Transpose +12 (one octave) |
Transpose +13 |
Transpose +14 |
Transpose +15 |
Transpose -12 (one octave) |
Transpose -11 |
Transpose -10 |
Transpose -9 |
Transpose -8 |
Transpose -7 |
Transpose -6 |
Transpose -5 |
Transpose -4 |
Transpose -3 |
Transpose -2 |
Transpose -1 |
What is your favorite PICO-8 (Windows) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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16 hours ago Updated!
18 hours ago Updated!
18 hours ago Updated!
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