(press keyboard shortcut (preference setting, Use Shift Key for Tool Switch, must be enabled)) Cycle through tools that have the same keyboard shortcut |
(click on a tool) Cycle through nested tools |
Move tool |
Zoom tool |
Hand tool |
Eyedropper tool |
Rectangular Marquee tool |
Elliptical Marquee tool |
Lasso tool |
Magnetic Lasso tool |
Polygonal Lasso tool |
Magic Wand tool |
Selection Brush tool |
Quick Selection tool |
Refined Selection tool |
Auto Selection tool |
Horizontal Type tool |
Vertical Type tool |
Horizontal Type Mask tool |
Vertical Type Mask tool |
Text on Selection |
Text on Shape |
Text on Path |
Crop tool |
Perspective Crop |
Cookie Cutter tool |
Recompose tool |
Straighten tool |
Eye tool |
Spot Healing Brush tool |
Healing Brush tool |
Clone Stamp tool |
Pattern Stamp tool |
Eraser tool |
Background Eraser tool |
Magic Eraser tool |
Pencil tool |
Brush tool |
Impressionist Brush |
Color Replacement tool |
Smart Brush tool |
Detail Smart Brush tool |
Paint Bucket tool |
Gradient tool |
Custom Shape tool |
Rectangle tool |
Rounded Rectangle tool |
Ellipse tool |
Polygon tool |
Star tool |
Line tool |
Shape Selection tool |
Blur tool |
Sharpen tool |
Smudge tool |
Sponge tool |
Dodge tool |
Burn tool |
Show/Hide all panels |
Publicité |
Default foreground and background colors |
Switch foreground and background colors |
Source: Adobe
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