Toggle code analysis in the current file |
Next code issue (error, warning or suggestion) in file |
Previous code issue (error, warning or suggestion) in file |
Next error/warning in file/solution |
Previous error/warning in file/solution |
Inspect this |
View hierarchy of: types (C#, VB.NET, C++), #include directives (C ++), styles (ASP.NET, Razor, CSS, XAML) |
Inspection Results window |
Show action list |
Paste from clipboard history |
Code cleanup |
Silent code cleanup |
Reformat code |
Apply Syntax Style |
Basic code completion |
Smart code completion |
Import symbol completion |
Force completion for non-preselected item |
Complete statement |
(Overrides Visual Studio command Edit.ParameterInfo) Parameter information: show/go to the next signature |
Parameter information: go to the previous signature |
Toggle Inlay Hints |
Quick documentation |
Copy code reference |
Insert live template |
Surround with template |
Create file from template |
Generate code |
Move code up |
Move code down |
Move code left |
Move code right |
Extend selection |
Shrink selection |
Select containing declaration |
Duplicate current line or selection |
Comment with line comment |
Comment with block comment |
Run configurations popup |
Run with/without building |
Debug with/without building |
Search Everywhere/Go to Type |
Go To File |
Go to file member |
Go to symbol |
Go to text |
Navigate To |
Go to type of symbol |
(Overrides Visual Studio command Edit.GotoDefinition) Go to declaration |
(Overrides Visual Studio command Edit.GotoDeclaration) Go to implementation |
Switch header/source (C ++) |
Go to base symbols |
Go to derived symbols |
Go to usage |
Go to containing declaration |
Go to next member/tag |
Go to previous member/tag |
Publicité |
Structural navigation: forwards |
Structural navigation: backwards |
Find usages |
Find usages of related entities |
Highlight usages in file |
Go to previous location/highlight |
Go to next location/highlight |
Remove highlighting of usages |
View recent files |
View recent edits |
Go to previous edit |
Go to related files |
Go to breakpoints |
View bookmarks |
Go to numbered bookmark |
Toggle numbered bookmark |
Find Results window |
File structure |
To-do items |
Stack Trace Explorer |
Locate in Solution/Assembly Explorer |
Optimize References |
Go to Action |
Refactor This |
Rename |
Move |
Safe delete |
Extract method |
Introduce variable |
Introduce field |
Introduce parameter |
Inline |
Encapsulate field |
Change signature |
Run unit tests |
Debug unit tests |
Run all tests in solution |
Run current test session |
Repeat previous test run |
Append to test session |
Create new test session |
Run tests under dotMemory Unit |
Unit Test Explorer |
Unit Test Sessions |
File structure |
Find Results window |
Hierarchies window |
Inspection Results window |
Stack Trace Explorer |
To-do items |
Unit Test Explorer |
Unit Test Sessions |
Close recent tool window |
Activate recent tool window |
Source: ReSharper help page
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