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Open card |
Use this shortcut while submitting a card to open it immediately after creation |
Open card filter menu |
Label |
Pressing one of the following number keys will apply or remove that label:
Green |
Yellow |
Orange |
Red |
Purple |
Blue |
Sky |
Lime |
Pink |
Black |
Toggle label names |
Add / remove members |
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Move card to adjacent list |
Toggle my cards filter |
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Assign self |
Edit title |
Vote |
Toggle board menu |
Clear all filters |
Autocomplete member's name, username or initials and get a list of matching members |
When adding a new card, you can use the same method to assign members to cards before submitting them
Autocomplete labels |
Autocomplete position |
Open shortcuts page |
Source: Trello
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1092820 62
490528 4
407763 23
353574 5
271115 3
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Il y a 12 heures Mis à jour !
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