Open Notification panel |
Open app settings |
Open Help in default browser |
Launch main dial pad |
Start new conversation |
New group |
Search contacts and messages |
Navigate to recent chats |
Open contacts |
Open contact screen to bots |
Send feedback |
Refresh the app |
Open themes |
(After sending a message) Edit the last message sent |
Show conversation profile |
Add people to conversation |
Send a file |
Mark as unread |
Start a video call |
Start an audio call |
Open gallery |
Hang up |
Mute |
Select the next message in the chat list |
Select the previous message in the chat list |
Open the main Skype window |
Open Notification panel |
Open app settings |
Launch main dial pad |
Start new conversation |
New group |
Search contacts and messages |
Open contacts |
Open contact screen to bots |
Send feedback |
Refresh the app |
Open themes |
Edit the last message sent |
Show conversation profile |
Add people to conversation |
Send a file |
Mark as unread |
Start a video call |
Start an audio call |
Open gallery |
Hang up |
Mute |
Select the next message in the chat list |
Select the previous message in the chat list |
Open self profile |
Open Settings |
Open Help in default browser |
Launch main dialpad |
Start new conversation |
Search contacts and messages |
Hide conversation |
Show conversation profile |
Advertisement |
Hang up call |
Mute |
After sending message, edit the last message sent |
Navigate to recents |
Navigate to contacts |
Navigate to bots |
Add people to conversation |
Send a file |
Mark as unread |
Toggle hold/resume state of active call |
Start a video call |
Start an audio call |
Send feedback |
Source: Skype support
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8 hours ago
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19 hours ago Updated!
20 hours ago Updated!
20 hours ago Updated!
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