Scrolls canvas vertically |
Scrolls canvas horizontally |
Zooms canvas in and out |
Scrolls canvas in the proper direction if no object is selected on the canvas |
Moves the selected object if an item is selected on the canvas.You can scroll the canvas with Ctrl + Arrow Keys in this case |
Move the selected object on the canvas in greater units |
Removes the selected element |
Select All |
Invert selection |
Copy |
Copy As OLE |
Copy As... |
Copy As Smiles |
Copy As MRV |
Cut |
Paste |
Redo |
Undo |
Copy as SMILES |
File open (if available) |
Save to file (if available) |
Save as... (if available) |
Print (if available) |
Display Periodic Table dialog |
Create a new window |
Clear Desk |
Close current window |
Exit from the application |
Create a Group |
Clean in 2D |
Clean in 3D |
Select conformer |
Opens the Template Library. |
Checks and corrects chemical structures. |
Places the Analysis box on the canvas. |
You can view the name of the current structure, and enter a new name to be imported. |
Open MarvinSpace |
Guidelines |
Grid |
Exit transformation mode and return to Sketching mode. |
Switch on the Zoom mode. |
3D rotation |
Sets the visibility of the main menubar. |
Changes transformation mode from Drag to Rotate in 2D, Rotate in 2D to Rotate in 3D, while Rotate in 3D to Drag. |
Negative charge |
Positive charge |
Single bond |
Double bond |
Triple bond |
Aromatic bond |
Single up bond (active only in 2D) |
Single down bond (active only in 2D) |
Single up or down bond |
Single or double bond |
Advertisement |
Single or aromatic bond |
Double or aromatic bond |
Any bond |
Any atom |
Heteroatom |
Carbon |
Nitrogen |
Hydrogen |
For the other elements, type the mark of the element, for example, Cl for chlorine (case insensitive).
Au,Ag,Pt…: Atom List can be defined by typing chemical symbols separated by commas (case insensitive).
!Au,Ag,Pt…: NOT List can be defined by starting the atom list with an exclamation mark (case insensitive).
Source: MarvinSketch docs
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