Open indicators |
Load chart layout |
Save chart layout |
Start typing to display symbol search window |
Change interval |
Type in a digit for minute charts, or first letter of the word for other resolutions. E.g. 1, 5, 30, 60, 1440, 5S, 30S, H, 2H, 6H, D, 5D, 3W, 6M
Move chart 1 bar to the left |
Move chart 1 bar to the right |
Move further to the left |
Move further to the right |
Undo |
Redo |
Switch between charts in multi-charts layout |
Toggle maximize chart |
Toggle maximize pane |
Add alert |
Go to date |
Add text note for symbol |
Take snapshot |
Reset chart |
Invert series scale |
Enable / disable logarithmic series scale |
Enable / disable percent series scale |
Add symbol to watchlist |
Focused zoom |
(click Eraser) Partially erase |
(hold) Gann Box fixed increments |
Measure tool |
Copy selected object |
Paste object |
(when moving a point) Temporary turn on / off magnet mode |
Clone a drawing tool |
Drawings multi select |
Move a drawing tool horizontally or vertically |
Horizontal line |
Vertical line |
Cross line |
To draw a square, select the Rectangle from the drawing toolbar and hold Shift when making the drawing on the chart |
To draw a circle, select the Ellipse from the drawing toolbar and hold Shift when making the drawing on the chart |
To draw a horizontal line, vertical line, or a line at 45 degrees, hold Shift while making a trend line or channel drawing |
Next symbol |
Previous symbol |
Flag / unflag symbol |
Select all symbols |
Select next symbol |
Select previous symbol |
Go to word left |
Go to word right |
Go to line start |
Go to line end |
Go to start |
Go to end |
Select line start |
Select line end |
Select up / down |
Remove line |
Copy lines up |
Copy lines down |
Move lines up |
Move lines down |
Remove to line end |
Remove to line start |
Remove word left |
Remove word right |
Autocomplete |
Multi-line commenting |
Indent right |
Indent left |
Multi-cursor |
Place market order to buy |
Place market order to sell |
(click in the DOM cell) Place stop order |
What is your favorite TradingView hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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