Select or deselect item |
Select next item down |
Select next item up |
Select next item left |
Select next item right |
Expand selection up |
Expand selection down |
Expand selection left |
Expand selection right |
Move focus up |
Move focus down |
Move focus left |
Move focus right |
Select all visible items |
Clear selection |
Copy |
Cut |
Paste |
Paste as shortcut |
Open file or folder in new tab |
Open selected item |
Rename selected item |
Share selected item |
Move selected item to folder |
Add selected item to folder |
Note: Items can appear in more than one folder at once in Google Drive
Star or unstar selected item |
Remove selected item |
Undo last action |
Redo last action |
Create new document |
Create new presentation |
Create new spreadsheet |
Create new drawing |
Create new folder |
Create new form |
What is your favorite Google Drive hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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