Quick add a task |
Enter to add a task |
Quick add a subtask |
Complete selected task(s) |
Delete selected task(s) |
Undo |
Edit task name |
This will also work with multiple select tasks.
Assign tag to a task |
Assign task(s) to an assignee |
Status |
Date |
Priority |
Add task(s) to board |
Transfer task to another project |
Assign selected task(s) to yourself |
Indent |
Un-indent |
Remove an existing assignee, tags, etc. |
Show/Hide breadcrumbs |
Print task(s) |
Move task(s) up or down |
Level up or down a task |
Move task(s) to the top or bottom of the current level |
Move task(s) across columns in board view |
Cut selected task(s) |
Copy selected task(s) |
Paste selected task(s) |
Multiple select |
Select all the relevant subtasks |
Refresh when changes are made in grouped/sorted mode |
Search tasks and comments |
Open and close the sidebar |
Blink search (cross-projects or organizations or members) |
Search within page |
Zoom in selected task |
Zoom out selected task |
Collapse a group tasks by level |
Expand a group tasks by level |
Collapse all tasks by level |
Expand all tasks by level |
Expand/Collapse the selected level |
Navigate through workspace (forward) |
Navigate through workspace (backward) |
Switch among different tabs |
Switch among different task views |
Quick launch or close My Tasks |
Enter/leave full screen mode |
Scroll horizontally in Board and Timeline view |
Switch among different views in Timeline and Calendar view |
Advertisement |
Open/Collapse detail panel |
Quickly expand/collapse detail panel |
Edit task description |
Comment on a selected task |
Mention a member in description or comment |
Refer a task in description or comment |
Quote selected text in comment reply |
Edit the last comment (cursor needs to be in the comment input area) |
Make a subtask of |
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