Terrain |
Realms. Ctrl + Left click a realm to see its subrealms. (Undo with Ctrl + Right click or by pressing W again) |
Diplomatic relations |
Religions |
Cultures |
Economy |
De jure duchies |
De jure kingdoms |
De jure empires |
Revolt risk |
Dynasties. Colored according to largest realm, so flipping with "realms" view lets you see which dynasties control multiple realms. Ctrl + click a realm to see the dynasties controlling its subrealms. |
Opinions |
Direct vassals |
Trade zones. Ctrl + click any republic to see the trade zones of each patrician family |
Governments |
Coalitions |
Epidemics |
Players |
(right click on the "China screen" button) Chinese relations |
Select only naval units |
Select only units of the same type as the currently selected unit |
Add or remove a unit to the selection |
Add waypoint (repeat to specify a precise route to a destination) |
Disband unit |
Disband all selected units |
Merge the selected units |
Create new unit (with one unit selected) OR reorganize the selected units (with two units selected) |
Split unit in half (with one unit selected) |
Embark unit (load onto ships) |
Embark all selected units (load onto ships) |
Raise your troops from this county, or all of a vassal's troops (including from other counties) into the selected county |
Raise your ships from this county, or all of a vassal's fleets (including from other counties) into the selected county |
Holder: character sheet |
Holder: diplomatic actions |
Top liege: character sheet |
Top liege: diplomatic actions |
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