Switch to another app or screen in FastMail with these keyboard shortcuts.
Contacts |
Calendar |
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Log out |
These actions apply while viewing your mailbox list. The currently focussed conversation is shown in the mailbox list with a blue line to the left of the checkbox.
Refresh |
Focus next |
Focus previous |
Open |
Select or deselect |
Toggle pinned |
Select/deselect a range |
Select all |
Unselect all |
When viewing your mailbox list, these actions apply to any selected conversations. Selected messages appear with a checkmark to the left and are highlighted in a different colour. When reading a conversation, these actions apply just to that conversation.
Delete |
Snooze |
Move |
Copy/Duplicate |
Archive |
Report spam |
Mark read |
Mark unread |
Pin |
Unpin |
Permanently delete (cannot be undone) |
While reading a conversation, the following additional shortcuts can be used.
Next |
Previous |
Return to the mailbox list. |
Reply |
Reply to all |
Reply to sender |
Forward |
Display images |
Expand all |
Advertisement |
Collapse all |
Expand/Collapse all |
Focus next. When a message is focussed, the R/A/Alt+R/F shortcuts apply to that message instead of the last message in the conversation. |
Focus previous. When a message is focussed, the R/A/Alt+R/F shortcuts apply to that message instead of the last message in the conversation. |
Expand |
More actions |
Toggle message details |
Toggle quotes |
Send |
Save draft |
Discard |
Show Cc |
Show Bcc |
Format text |
Bold |
Italic |
Underline |
Add/remove link |
Format as code |
Subscript |
Superscript |
Strikethrough |
Bullet list |
Numbered list |
(at start of list item) Indent list |
(at start of list item) Unindent list |
Remove quote |
Add quote |
A pop-up window for selecting emojis is supported natively in both Windows 10 and macOS. These are system-wide Windows / Mac shortcut.
Open emoji selection pop-up. |
What is your favorite FastMail hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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