Move Forward / Double tap to dodge forward |
Move Backward / Double tap to dodge backward |
Strafe Left / Double tap to dodge left while standing and forward left while moving forward |
Strafe Right / Double tap to dodge right while standing and forward right while moving forward |
Turn Left |
Turn Right |
Dodge |
Auto-Run |
(Not assigned) |
Walk |
Jump |
Swim Up |
(Not assigned) |
Swim Down |
(Not assigned) |
About Face |
Swap Weapons / Drop bundle, or exit transformation (excludes Polymorph Moa and Death Shroud) |
Weapon Skill 1 |
Weapon Skill 2 |
Weapon Skill 3 |
Weapon Skill 4 |
Weapon Skill 5 |
Healing Skill |
Utility Skill 1 |
Utility Skill 2 |
Utility Skill 3 |
Elite Skill |
Profession Skill 1 — (e.g. F1 activates Fire Attunement for elementalists) |
Profession Skill 2 |
Profession Skill 3 |
Profession Skill 4 |
Profession Skill 5 |
Profession Skill 6 |
Profession Skill 7 |
Special Action |
Alert Target |
Call Target |
Take Target |
(Not assigned) |
Set Personal Target |
(Not assigned) |
Take Personal Target |
(Not assigned) |
Nearest Enemy |
Next Enemy |
Previous Enemy |
(Not assigned) |
Nearest Ally |
(Not assigned) |
Next Ally |
(Not assigned) |
Previous Ally |
(Not assigned) |
Lock Autotarget |
(Not assigned) |
Snap Ground Target |
(Not assigned) |
Toggle Snap Ground Target |
(Not assigned) |
Disable Autotargeting |
(Not assigned) |
Toggle Autotargeting |
(Not assigned) |
Ally Targeting Mode |
(Not assigned) |
Toggle Ally Targeting Mode |
Closes any open dialogue or opens the Game Access Dialogue. Note: this cannot be edited, and does not show up in the controls editor menu. |
Black Lion Trading Dialog |
Contacts Dialog |
Guild Dialog |
Hero Dialog |
Inventory Dialog |
Pet Dialog |
Logout |
(Not assigned) |
Mail Dialog |
Options Dialog |
Party / Invite, kick, or leave party |
(Not assigned) |
PvP Panel |
(Not assigned) |
PvP Build |
Scoreboard or World vs World standing in PvE |
Wizard's Vault Dialogue |
Information Dialogue — (In e.g. Activities, this will show/hide the panel explaining the rules.) |
Chat Show / Hide |
Chat Command — (This will focus the chat panels text input field, clear any text possibly still in it, prefill a "/" and position the text cursor after it. Entering e.g. "/wave" in the chat activates the wave emote) |
Chat Message — (This will focus the chat panels text input field.) |
Chat Reply |
Show / Hide the user interface |
Show / Hide Squad Broadcast |
Squad Broadcast Chat Command |
Squad Broadcast Message |
(Not assigned) |
Free Camera |
Zoom In |
Zoom Out |
(Not assigned) |
Look Behind |
(Not assigned) |
Toggle Action Camera |
(Not assigned) |
Disable Action Camera |
Normal |
(Not assigned) |
Stereoscopic |
Mount / Dismount |
Mount Ability 1 |
Mount Ability 2 |
(Not assigned) |
Raptor Mount/Dismount |
(Not assigned) |
Springer Mount/Dismount |
(Not assigned) |
Skimmer Mount/Dismount |
(Not assigned) |
Jackal Mount/Dismount |
(Not assigned) |
Griffon Mount/Dismount |
(Not assigned) |
Roller Beetle Mount/Dismount |
(Not assigned) |
Warclaw Mount/Dismount |
(Not assigned) |
Skyscale Mount/Dismount |
(Not assigned) |
Siege Turtle Mount/Dismount |
Nearest Fixed Camera |
Advertisement |
Nearest Player |
Red Player 1 |
Red Player 2 |
Red Player 3 |
Red Player 4 |
Red Player 5 |
Blue Player 1 |
Blue Player 2 |
Blue Player 3 |
Blue Player 4 |
Blue Player 5 |
Free Camera |
Free Camera — Boost |
Free Camera — Forward |
Free Camera — Backward |
Free Camera — Left |
Free Camera — Right |
Free Camera — Up |
Free Camera — Down |
What is your favorite Guild Wars 2 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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