System menu |
Movement |
Mouse-look toggle |
Stand up |
Crouch |
Prone |
Next weapon |
Previous weapon |
Fire selected weapon |
Lean left |
Lean right |
Jump/Climb |
Run |
Pause toggle |
Show fullscreen map |
To throw a grenade, double click the type of the grenade. Then right click to throw.
To drop an item, while not in mouse-look, right-mouse-click on an item in the Main or General inventory. Right-mouse-click again to either throw it away or put it back in the inventory
Health / Fatigue Status (a.k.a 'Bioware') |
Fullscreen mode toggle |
Rear-view display toggle (if you have the 'Sensaround' hardware) |
Compass toggle (Nav Unit) |
Toggle Data Reader (once you have the Data Reader installed in Hardware) |
Show this list of keyboard bindings |
Cycle HUD colour |
Abort current audio-log |
Cycle through inventories |
Left MFD: Show weapon status |
Left MFD: Show item status |
Left MFD: Automap |
Left MFD: Target (if installed) |
Left MFD: Data |
Right MFD: Show weapon status |
Right MFD: Show item status |
Right MFD: Automap |
Right MFD: Target (if installed) |
Right MFD: Data |
Gamma increase/decrease |
To take notes on the map, left click to place a pointer. Then start typing.
Move forward |
Fire |
Roll left |
Roll right |
Choose active Softs (e.g. Pulser or Drill) |
Source: steamcommunity.com
What is your favorite System Shock: Enhanced Edition hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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