Add current site to favorites |
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Go to your home page |
Delete browsing history |
Get help & support |
Open browsing history |
Open a new tab |
Open a new InPrivate Browsing window |
Print the current page |
Refresh page |
Switch between tabs |
View downloads |
Open a search query in the address bar |
Open a search query in a new tab |
Open the Address bar (to view history, favorites, and search providers) |
Search using copied text |
Add www. to the beginning and .com to the end of text typed in the Address bar |
Display a list of addresses you've typed |
In the Address bar, move the cursor left to the next break in the sentence |
In the Address bar, move the cursor right to the next break in the sentence |
Move backward through the list of AutoComplete matches |
Move forward through the list of AutoComplete matches |
Select the text in the Address bar |
Activate a selected link |
Display a shortcut menu for a link |
Find something on this page |
Go to your home page |
Go to the next page |
Go to the previous page |
Move back through items on a webpage (only works if tabbed browsing is turned off) |
Move through items on a webpage (only works if tabbed browsing is turned off) |
Move to the beginning of a document |
Move to the end of a document |
Open a new document in Internet Explorer |
Open a new window |
Save the current page |
Scroll toward the beginning of a document |
Scroll toward the end of a document |
Stop downloading a page |
Toggle between full-screen and regular views |
Start Caret Browsing |
Add site to favorites |
Move selected item up in the Favorites list (in the Organize Favorites dialog box) |
Move selected item down in the Favorites list (in the Organize Favorites dialog box) |
Advertisement |
Open the Add to favorites menu |
Open the Favorites menu from the menu bar |
Open the Organize Favorites dialog box |
Pin Favorites Center and display your history |
View favorites |
View feeds |
View history |
Close tab |
Close tabs in the background |
Open links in a new tab in the background |
Open links in a new tab in the foreground |
Duplicate tab |
Open a new tab |
Reopen the last tab you closed |
Switch between tabs |
Switch to the last tab |
(... to |
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