Refresh the screen |
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
Return the screen to default |
Copy selected item |
Cut selected item |
Paste selected item |
Undo previous action |
Redo previous action |
Select a block of text |
Close active browser window |
Progress through form options |
Regress through form options |
Toggle check box selection |
Scroll to the top of page |
Scroll to bottom of page |
Scroll to the top of the screen |
Scroll to the bottom of the screen |
Switch tabs |
Scroll left |
Scroll right |
Page through records: If you are viewing a record, Ctrl + < will page left through each record item without returning to the list of records. |
Page through list views: If you are not viewing a record and remain on the list view, then Ctrl + < will navigate you through the entire list view page, not the individual record. |
Page through records: If you are viewing a record, Ctrl + > will page right through each record item without returning to the list of records. |
Page through list views: If you are not viewing a record and remain on the list view, then Ctrl + > will navigate you through the entire list view page, not the individual record. |
Text box: If the cursor is in a text box, it will move the cursor to the previous word within the text. |
Text box: If the cursor is in a text box, it will move the cursor to the beginning of the next word within the text. |
Refresh the screen |
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
Return the screen to default |
Copy selected item |
Cut selected item |
Paste selected item |
Undo previous action |
Redo previous action |
Progress through form options |
Regress through form options |
Scroll to the top of the screen |
Scroll to the bottom of the screen |
Switch tabs |
Scroll left |
Scroll right |
Page through records: If you are viewing a record, Ctrl + < will page left through each record item without returning to the list of records. |
Page through records: If you are viewing a record, Ctrl + > will page right through each record item without returning to the list of records. |
Text box: If the cursor is in a text box, it will move the cursor to the previous word within the text. |
Text box: If the cursor is in a text box, it will move the cursor to the beginning of the next word within the text. |
Close the current tab |
Open troubleshooting window |
Search the window popup |
Create a new record or entity |
Save |
Navigate back |
Display the help |
Save and close |
Cancel the current task |
Source: ConnectWise (login required)
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