Zoom in |
Zoom out |
Zoom to fit |
View actual size |
Select Zoom tool |
Create a new image |
Open an image |
Save an image |
Duplicate an image |
Save an existing image as a new image |
Export an image |
Undo last action |
Redo last action |
Cut |
Copy |
Paste |
Paste and match style |
Duplicate layer or selected area |
Create an empty new layer |
Delete selected layer(s) |
Select all layers |
Merge selected layers |
Merge all layers |
Group layers |
Ungroup layers |
Bring selected layer(s) forward |
Send selected layer(s) to the front |
Bring selected layer(s) backward |
Send selected layer(s) to the back |
drag the layer: Move a layer while any tool is active |
Change brush hardness |
Cycle through blending modes |
+ |
drag a layer handle: Resize a layer |
Duplicate a layer |
Advertisement |
Disable alignment guides while moving or resizing |
drag a layer handle: Resize a layer from the center |
drag a layer handle: Constrain the aspect ratio when resizing a layer |
Constrain the aspect ratio when resizing a layer from the center |
click the layer: Open the shortcut menu for the selected layer |
drag a layer handle: Rotate a layer |
drag a layer handle: Rotate a layer in 15º steps |
drag a layer: Move a layer in a straight or diagonal line |
Select the entire image |
Deselect an active selection |
Invert a selection |
Load the outline of a layer as a selection |
Turn on Refine Selection |
Copy a selected area |
Cut a selected area |
Paste a selected area |
Duplicate a selected area |
(Press and hold the Shift key after starting a selection) Constrain selection to a circle or a square |
(Hold down the Shift key before starting to select) Add to a selection |
(Hold down the Option key before starting to select) Subtract from a selection |
(Hold down the Shift and Option key before starting to select) Intersect a selection |
Reset foreground and background colors to white and black |
Switch between foreground and background color |
Paint or erase a straight line |
(Press and hold the Shift key before starting to paint) Paint or erase a vertical or horizontal line |
(Doubleclick a brush) Open brush settings |
Paint straight lines |
Paint vertical or horizontal lines |
Navigate through brushes |
Increase or decrease brush size |
Change brush hardness |
drag gradient: Constrain gradient to 15º angle |
Pick a color from your image |
Fill layer with foreground color |
Fill layer with background color |
Set clone source |
Draw a rectangle shape |
Press and hold the Shift key before starting to draw: Unite a shape with the selected shape |
Press and hold the Option key before starting to draw: Subtract a shape from the selected shape |
Press and hold the Option and Shift key before starting to draw: Intersect a shape with the selected shape |
Show Pixelmator Pro preferences |
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Enter fullscreen |
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Minimize window |
Minimize all windows |
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Quit Pixelmator Pro |
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