Google Translate Tastatürkürzel 

Google Translate  

Zeynel -
6 years ago
- Tastaturkürzel
Ctrl + ↑  Shift + S

Swap languages

Shortcuts below aren't specific to Google Translate, but they will help you navigate between UI items.

Navigate to next UI item (button, clickable text)

↑  Shift + Tab

Navigate to previous UI item

⤶ Enter

Activate selected UI item

oder Space


For Chrome users: If you use Google Translate frequently, you can pin it to taskbar. To do this,
1. Open Google Translate web page.
2. Click Chrome's menu button on the top-right (the button with three dots).
3. Click More tools > Create shortcut... 
4. Check "Open as window" checkbox and click Create.
5. Run the shortcut (if the window didn't already open).
6. Right click Google Translate icon in the taskbar and click Pin to taskbar.
Now you can access to Google Translate any time with one click from the taskbar. If you checked Open in new window in fourth step, it'll run in an separate window like standalone application.

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Programmname: Google Translate Google Translate (Produktivität)


Letztes Update: 29.09.2022 17:42 UTC

So einfach drücken Sie Tastenkombinationen: 85%

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Anzahl der Verknüpfungen: 5

Plattform erkannt: Windows oder Linux

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