Move one cell up, down, left, or right |
Move to the first cell of the current column |
Move to the last cell of the current column |
Move to the leftmost cell of the current row |
Move to the rightmost cell of the current row |
Enter the editing mode of the active cell |
Enter the editing mode of the active cell, and enter the pressed key's value into the cell |
Move to the next cell* (if there's only one column available, move one cell down) |
Move to the previous cell* (if there's only one column available, move one cell up) |
Move to the first non-frozen cell of the current row* |
Move one screen up |
Move one screen down |
* This action depends on your layout direction.
Select all cells and headers |
Extend the selection to the first cell of the current column** |
Extend the selection to the last cell of the current column** |
Extend the selection to the leftmost cell of the current row** |
Extend the selection to the rightmost cell of the current row** |
Extend the selection by one cell |
Extend the selection to the first non-frozen cell of the current row* |
Extend the selection by one screen up |
Extend the selection by one screen down |
Clear the contents of the selected cells |
* This action depends on your layout direction.
** In case of multiple selection layers, only the last selection layer gets extended.
Move the cursor through the text |
Enter the pressed key's value into the cell |
Complete the cell entry and move to the cell below |
Complete the cell entry and move to the cell above |
Complete the cell entry and move to the next cell* |
Complete the cell entry and move to the previous cell* |
Delete one character after the cursor* |
Delete one character before the cursor* |
Move the cursor to the beginning of the text* |
Move the cursor to the end of the text* |
Move the cursor to the beginning or to the end of the text |
Extend the selection to the beginning or to the end of the text |
Complete the cell entry and move one screen up |
Complete the cell entry and move one screen down |
Cancel the cell entry and exit the editing mode |
* This action depends on your layout direction.
These keyboard shortcuts work when the MergeCells plugin is enabled.
Merge or unmerge the selected cells |
These keyboard shortcuts work when the UndoRedo plugin is enabled.
Undo the last action |
Redo the last action |
These keyboard shortcuts work in context menus. To activate them, enable the ContextMenu plugin.
Move one available menu item up, down, left, or right |
Move to the first visible item of the context menu or submenu |
Move to the last visible item of the context menu or submenu |
Close the context menu or submenu |
Run the action of the selected menu item |
Source: Handsontable docs
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