Quit the emulator |
Select virtual 'slot' for save/load state (F5 and F7) commands |
Save emulator state |
Load emulator state |
Reset emulator |
Slow down emulator by 5% |
Speed up emulator by 5% |
Take screenshot |
Toggle between windowed and fullscreen |
Pause on/off |
Mute/unmute sound |
Press "Game Shark" button (only if cheats are enabled) |
Single frame advance while paused |
Fast Forward (playback at 250% normal speed while F key is pressed) |
Decrease volume |
Increase volume |
The SDL-Input plugin contains an auto-configuration function which will provide default joystick mappings for any recognized joystick. If there is no supported joystick connected, the input plugin will enable a default keyboard control mapping, as given below:
Analog Pad |
Move analog pad 50% slower |
Move analog pad 25% slower |
Move analog pad 75% slower |
Note: When using the arrow keys on the keyboard, the analog stick is normally moved by its full range. To make smaller moves, hold the Right Ctrl (for -50%) or Right Shift key (-25%) or both (-75%).
C Up |
C Left |
C Down |
C Right |
DPad Up/Left/Down/Right |
Z trigger |
Left trigger |
Right trigger |
Start |
A button |
B button |
Select Mempack |
Select Rumblepack |
Was ist Ihr Lieblings-Hotkey für Mupen64Plus ? Habt ihr dazu nützliche Tipps? Informieren Sie unten andere Benutzer darüber.
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