SteelSeries Apex Pro Tastatürkürzel 

SteelSeries Apex Pro  

Ze Zeynel -
11 months ago
- Tastaturkürzel
The "SteelSeries" key used in shortcuts is indicated above.
SteelSeries + F9

Cycle through profiles

SteelSeries + F10

Press and hold for 3 seconds to start recording macro. Type your key combinations; press SteelSeries + F10 again to stop recording

SteelSeries + F11

Reduce illumination brightness

SteelSeries + F12

Increase illumination brightness


Volume roller up: Volume up
Volume roller down: Volume down
Volume roller press: Mute/unmute
OLED menu button single press: Play/Pause
OLED menu button double press: Play/Pause
OLED menu button triple press: Play/Pause
OLED menu button long press (2 seconds): Enter OLED menu
The actuation adjustment is done via SteelSeries Engine software or by using respective settings in the OLED menu.
1. Press and hold the OLED Menu button for 4 seconds.
2. Use Volume roller to scroll to Actuation and click the roller.
3. Use Volume roller to select between actuation 1 - 10
Source: Product manual

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Programmname: SteelSeries Apex Pro SteelSeries Apex Pro (Hardware)


So einfach drücken Sie Tastenkombinationen: 50%

Weitere Informationen >>

Aktualisiert: Aktualisierte Programminformationen. (2 Aktualisierung.) 08.08.2023 12:53:36 Neues Programm hinzugefügt.
08.08.2023 12:58:03 Aktualisierte Programminformationen.

Anzahl der Verknüpfungen: 4

Plattform erkannt: Windows oder Linux


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