Clear the current selection. Only available when Quick view is on. |
Set focus to the issue below the current issue. |
Set focus to the issue above the current issue. |
Go to the last issue on the page. |
Go to the first issue on the page. |
Expand the detail for the current issue in the list. |
Collapse the detail for the current issue in the list. |
Toggle the selection of the current issue. |
Open the current issue in edit mode. Use to update the issue project, summary, description, or visibility. |
Copy the ID of the current issue to the clipboard. |
Open the current issue in single issue view. |
Open the issue in edit mode. Use to update the issue project, summary, description, visibility, and values in supplemental text fields. |
Copy the ID of the current issue to the clipboard. |
Attach an image from the clipboard to the issue or comment. |
Cancel issue editing. |
Sets the current selection of characters in a boldface font. |
Cancel the command and close the Apply Command dialog. |
Open the Apply Command dialog. Only recognized when you have focus on or have selected at least one card. |
Switch focus between the board and the search box. |
Deselect all selected cards. |
Toggle the selection of the current card. |
Open the current card in edit mode. |
Open the current card in view mode. |
Edit the estimation for the current card. |
Remove the selected cards from the board. If your board uses sprints, the cards are removed from the selected sprint. |
Set focus to the card on the left. |
Set focus to the card on the right. |
Set focus to the card above the current card. |
Set focus to the card below the current card. |
Set focus to the first card that is visible on the board. |
Set focus to the last card that is visible on the board. |
Apply command. |
Submit the search request. |
Select the next custom field to the right. Only recognized with card sizes that show custom fields (M-XL). |
Copy the issue ID for the current card to the clipboard. |
Select the widget to the left of the current widget. |
Select the widget to the right of the current widget. |
Select the widget above the current widget. |
Select the widget below the current widget. |
Open the widget menu. |
Deselect widget. |
Select the brush tool. Drag to draw a line on the image. To draw a straight line, hold down the Ctrl (Control for Mac) key while dragging. |
Select the highlight tool. Drag to select an area to highlight on the image. Drag the handles to adjust the highlighted area. |
Select the text tool. Click the image to add a callout box where you can enter text. Drag the handles to adjust the size of the callout box. |
Undo the previous action. |
Remove the selected element. Available in YouTrack Lite. |
Redo the previous action. |
Select the blur tool. Drag to select an area to blur on the image. |
Revert all changes to the image. |
Save widget. |
Toggle preview in Markdown Notes widget. |
Open the Add widget menu. |
Create new dashboard. |
View previous dashboard. |
View next dashboard. |
Open dashboards list. |
Show suggestions. |
Apply command. |
Move the current card to the left. |
Werbung |
Move the current card to the right. |
Move the current card up. |
Move the current card down. |
Sets the current selection of characters with a horizontal line through the center. |
Sets the current selection in a monospace font on a light background. This formatting is intended to indicate that the text is a short fragment of computer code. |
Submit changes when editing the issue or adding comments. |
Go to the next page. |
Go to the previous page. |
Assign the current card to yourself. |
Apply command without generating notification messages. |
or any letter Open the Apply Command dialog. Only recognized when you have focus on or have selected at least one card. |
View keyboard shortcuts. |
Switches between Visual and Markdown mode. |
View keyboard shortcuts. |
Open the Apply Command dialog with the most recent command in the input field. |
Sets the current selection of characters in an italic font. |
Open your personal list of Saved Searches and Tags. Press Esc to close. |
Open your personal list of Saved Searches and Tags from the Issues menu. Press Esc to close. |
Open your personal list of Saved Searches and Tags. Press Esc to close. |
Select the crop tool. Drag to set the crop boundary. Drag the handles to adjust the crop boundary. |
Expand or collapse all swimlanes. |
Open a dialog to locate and attach files. |
Add a card to the board. |
Select the next custom field to the left. Only recognized with card sizes that show custom fields (M-XL). |
Switch to the Search Context drop-down menu. |
Open the New Issue page. |
Refresh all widgets. |
Switch to TV mode. Press Esc to exit. |
View keyboard shortcuts. |
Toggle backlog visibility. |
Create a subtask for the current card. |
Open the Add widget menu. |
Copy the issue ID and summary for the current card to the clipboard. |
Copy the issue ID and summary of the current issue to the clipboard. |
Copy the issue ID and summary to the clipboard. |
Add an issue as a new swimlane. Only recognized when the board uses issues to identify swimlanes. |
This feature is only available for new issues in YouTrack Classic. If you're currently working with YouTrack Lite, you need to switch it off.
This feature is only available for new issues in YouTrack Classic. If you're currently working with YouTrack Lite, you need to switch it off.
Source: Youtrack docs
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