Open shortcut menu |
(Mac) Open shortcut menu |
Open the context menu of any particular page, section, title, or embed section |
(Mac) Open the context menu of any particular page, section, title, or embed section |
Select a section |
Resize the embed |
Navigate between elements |
Navigate the options inside a menu |
Grab a page, section, or embed |
Release a page, section, or embed |
Press arrow key after grabbing the section or embed to move the section or embed
After the page is grabbed, use right arrow key to nest the page
After the page is grabbed, use left arrow key to unnest the page
Move focus to next or previous page |
Expand or collapse children |
Interact with elements in the focused page |
Grab or drop page |
Focus first page |
Focus last page |
Expand all pages |
These shortcuts are used when editing a page.
Bold |
Italic |
Clear formatting |
Strikethrough |
(Mac) Strikethrough |
Align left |
Align center |
Align right |
Numbered list |
Bulleted list |
Insert link |
Move item up, down, left, or right |
Move item in or out of a group |
Reorder items in a group |
Apply Normal Text |
Apply Title |
Apply Heading |
Apply Subheading |
Apply code font to text |
(Mac) Apply code font to text |
Source: Google Sites support
What is your favorite Google Sites (new) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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