Move focus between sections |
Move focus forward in section |
Move focus backward in section |
Show keyboard shortcuts |
Multi-select |
Collapse a single table |
Expand a single table |
Collapse all tables |
Expand all tables |
Open a context menu |
Move focus to visual menu |
Show as a table |
Enter a visual |
Enter a layer |
Exit a later or visual |
Select or unselect data point |
Multi-select |
Right click menu |
Show or hide data point tooltip |
Clear selection |
Slicer control |
These shorcuts will work in Q&A Explorer dialog, Getting Started dialog, File menu and About dialog, Warning bar, File Restore dialog and Frowns dialog.
Selection pane
Activate selection pane |
Move an object up in the layering |
Move an object down in the layering |
Hide / show (toggle) an object |
DAX editor
Move line up / down |
Copy line up / down |
Insert line below |
Insert line above |
Jump to matching bracket |
Indent line / Extend line into the margin |
Insert cursor |
Select current line |
Select all occurrences of current selection |
Select all occurrences of current word |
Enter data
Exit editable grid |
Source: Power-Bi, Power-Bi support
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