Toggle visibility of sidepane(s) |
Show all sidepanes |
Toggle focus between index and buffer |
Open side pane if index is invisible |
Focus to the next inteface element (gtk default) |
Focus to the previous interface element (gtk default) |
Close sidepane (when focus is on a side pane) |
Go to the home page |
Go one page back in history |
Go one page forward in history |
Go one level up in the page hierarchy |
Go one page down in the page hierarchy |
Go to the previous page in the index |
Go to the next page in the index |
Go to today's page |
Quit the application |
Close window |
Find in the current page |
Find next |
Find previous |
Search in all pages |
Find and Replace |
Save page (forced) |
Save version... |
Reload page (saves first) |
Jump to page... (either an existing or a new page) |
Link selected text (follow selected text as link when read-only) |
Copy a link to the current page to the clipboard |
Show the "edit link" dialog |
Insert timestamp |
Make selected text a heading |
Make selected text normal |
Make selected text strong |
Make selected text italic |
Make selected text underline (renders highlighted) |
Make selected text strike-trough |
Make selected text verbatim text (monospace font) |
Undo |
Redo |
Show the calendar dialog |
Show the manual |
Rename current page |
Find next (same as Ctrl + G) |
Find previous (same as Ctrl + G) |
Reload page (same as Ctrl + R) |
Toggle checkbox item to 'OK' |
Toggle checkbox item to 'NOK' |
Also all the usual keybindings apply for the gtk text edit widget, thus bindings like Ctrl + C, Ctrl +X, Ctrl + V, Ctrl + A etc. work as expected.
Toggle bullets for selected text |
email-style quoting for selected text |
Indent selected text |
Unindent selected text |
Un indent selected text |
Source: zim-wiki.org
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