Note 1: To use these shortcuts, the keyboard focus has to be in the graphics window, so first click in the graphics window.
Note 2: Step sizes depends on your selection from the Simulation tab > Simulation Controls > Increment menu.
Plays the simulation to the end |
Plays the simulation to the end of the current item |
Advance one point through the simulation |
Advance five points through the simulation |
Advance fifty steps through the simulation |
Advance one tenth of a point through the simulation |
Reverse one point through the simulation |
Reverse five points through the simulation |
Reverse fifty steps through the simulation |
Reverse one tenth of a point through the simulation |
Advance to the next component |
Reverse to the last component |
Advance to the next NC item or connection |
Reverse to the previous NC item or connection |
Moves the tool to the end of the toolpath |
Moves the tool to the start of the toolpath |
Source: Autodesk help
What is your favorite PowerMill 2023 (Simulation) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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