Open a New Cherrytree Document |
Save File |
Save File As |
Set up the Page for Printing |
Execute Code |
Quit Application |
Exit from Cherrytree |
Preferences |
Application’s Online Manual |
Add a Node having the Same Parent of the Selected Node |
Add a Child Node to the Selected Node |
Duplicate the Selected Node |
Insert a Node with Hierarchy Year/Month/Day |
Edit the Properties of the Selected Node |
Toggle the Read Only Property of the Selected Node |
Add the Current to the Bookmarks List |
Remove the Current Node from the Bookmarks List |
Undo Last Operation |
Redo Previously Discarded Operation |
Insert an Image |
Insert a Table |
Insert a CodeBox |
Insert a File |
Insert a Link/Edit the Underlying Link |
Insert an Anchor |
Insert Timestamp |
Insert Horizontal Rule |
Lower the Case of the Selection/ the Underlying Word |
Upper the Case of the Selection/ the Underlying Word |
Toggle the Case of the Selection/ the Underlying Word |
Toggle Enable/Disable Spell Check |
Cut as Plain Text, Discard the Rich Text Formatting |
Copy as Plain Text, Discard the Rich Text Formatting |
Paste as Plain Text, Discard the Rich Text Formatting |
Cut the Current Row/Selected Rows |
Copy the Current Row/Selected Rows |
Delete the Current Row/Selected Rows |
Duplicate the Current Row/Selected Rows |
Move Up the Current Row/Selected Rows |
Move Down the Current Row/Selected Rows |
Change the Color of the Selected Text Foreground |
Change the Color of the Selected Text Background |
Toggle Bold Property of the Selected Text |
Toggle Italic Property of the Selected Text |
Toggle Underline Property of the Selected Text |
Toggle Strikethrough Property of the Selected Text |
Toggle h1 Property of the Selected Text |
Toggle h2 Property of the Selected Text |
Toggle h3 Property of the Selected Text |
Toggle Small Property of the Selected Text |
Toggle Superscript Property of the Selected Text |
Toggle To-Do List Item State |
Set/Unset the Current Paragraph/Selection as a Bulleted List |
Set/Unset the Current Paragraph/Selection as a Numbered List |
Set/Unset the Current Paragraph/Selection as a To-Do List |
Memory of Latest Text Format Type |
Remove the Formatting from the Selected Text |
Find into the Selected Node Content |
Advertisement |
Find into All the Tree Nodes Contents |
Find into the Selected Node and Subnodes Contents |
Find in Nodes names and Tags |
Iterate the Last Find Operation |
Iterate the Last Find Operation in Opposite Direction |
Replace into the Selected Node Content |
Replace into All Tree Nodes Contents |
Replace into the Selected Node and Subnodes Contents |
Replace in Nodes Names |
Iterate the Last Replace Option |
Show Search All Matches Dialog |
Toggle Show/Hide Tree |
Toggle Focus Between Tree and Text |
Expand All the Tree Nodes |
Collapse All the Tree Nodes |
Toggle Full Screen On/Off |
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