Create new block |
New line in current block |
Indent block |
Outdent block |
Select all blocks |
Select parent block |
Search pages and blocks |
Search blocks in the current page |
Undo |
Redo |
Copy (copies either selection, or block reference) |
Copy selections as text |
Cut |
Slash autocomplete |
Block content autocomplete |
[ then [ then ] then ] |
Page reference autocomplete |
( then ( then ) then ) |
Block reference |
Open link in sidebar |
Block context menu |
Move cursor up / Select up |
Move cursor down / Select down |
Move cursor left / Open selected block at beginning |
Move cursor right / Open selected block at end |
Zoom in editing block / Forwards otherwise |
Zoom out editing block / Backwards otherwise |
Collapse |
Expand |
Toggle open blocks (collapse or expand all blocks) |
Backwards |
Forwards |
Go to home |
Go to journals |
Go to all pages |
Go to graph view |
Go to all graphs |
Go to whiteboards |
Toggle flashcards |
Go to tomorrow |
Go to next journal |
Go to previous journal |
Go to keyboard shortcuts |
Delete backwards |
Delete forwards |
Indent block |
Outdent block |
Create new block |
New line in current block |
Zoom in editing block / Forwards otherwise |
Zoom out editing block / Backwards otherwise |
Rotate the TODO state of the current item |
Follow link under cursor |
Open link in sidebar |
Move block up |
Advertisement |
Move block down |
Not assigned: Escape editing
Backspace / Delete backwards |
Delete entire block content |
Delete line before cursor position |
Delete line after cursor position |
Move cursor to the beginning of a block |
Move cursor to the end of a block |
Move cursor forward a word |
Move cursor backward a word |
Delete a word forwards |
Delete a word backwards |
Replace block reference with its content at point |
Copy a block embed pointing to the current block |
Paste text into one block at point |
Select content above |
Select content below |
Bold |
HTML Link |
Italics |
Highlight |
Toggle help |
Toggle open blocks (collapse or expand all blocks) |
Toggle wide mode |
Toggle cards |
Toggle document mode |
Toggle whether to display brackets |
Toggle between dark/light theme |
Toggle left sidebar |
Toggle right sidebar |
Toggle settings |
Toggle Contents in sidebar |
Pdf: Previous page of current pdf doc |
Pdf: Next page of current pdf doc |
Pdf: Close current pdf doc |
Pdf: Search text of current pdf doc |
Add to/remove from favorites |
Toggle command palette |
Select graph to open |
Closes the top item in the right sidebar |
Clear all in the right sidebar |
Open today's page in the right sidebar |
Rebuild search index |
Insert YouTube timestamp |
New whiteboard |
Auto-complete: Select previous item |
Auto-complete: Select next item |
Auto-complete: Choose selected item |
Auto-complete: Open selected item in sidebar |
Auto-complete: Open selected item in browser |
Date picker: Select previous day |
Date picker: Select next day |
Date picker: Select previous week |
Date picker: Select next week |
Date picker: Choose selected day |
Unassigned actions: Remove a graph, Add a graph, Save current graph to disk, Re-index current graph, Export public graph pages as html, Clear all notifications
Source: Application settings
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