Window focus (forward) |
Window focus (reverse) |
Enter tap tempo |
Tap tempo mode selection |
HX Edit Pilot's Guide |
About box window |
Save preset |
Save preset as |
Import preset/IR/Favorite |
Export preset/IR/Favorite |
Import setlist |
Export setlist |
Import bundle (Helix devices) |
Export bundle (Helix devices) |
Preferences |
Quit |
Show/Hide Librarian panel |
Command Center |
Global EQ (Helix & Stomp devices) |
Copy |
Paste |
Rename |
Snapshot 1 (All Helix & HX devices) |
Select device's HX Edit window |
Presets tab |
IRs tab |
Favorites tab |
Display context menu |
Change tab focus |
Navigate selection |
Extend selection |
Contiguous multi-select |
Non-contiguous multi-select |
(delay click) Rename preset/IR |
Rename setlist (Helix devices) |
Setlist 1 (Helix devices) |
Setlist 2 (Helix devices) |
Setlist 3 (Helix devices) |
Setlist 4 (Helix devices) |
Setlist 5 (Helix devices) |
Setlist 6 (Helix devices) |
Setlist 7 (Helix devices) |
Setlist 8 (Helix devices) |
(dragging presets) Copy into new preset slot location, overwrite presets currently exists there |
Navigate selection |
Exit tab |
Advertisement |
Display block context menu |
or | |||
Block bypass toggle |
Amp block select (Helix & HX effects devices) |
Block select |
Display Edit tab - Modal browser |
In context menus, use arrow keys to navigate, press Enter to make a selection, Esc to close to menu.
Edit tab |
Bypass/Controller assign tab |
Select previous/next parameter or list |
Select previous/next tabbed list |
Snapshot assign |
Display context menu |
or | |||
Reset to default |
Toggle model list and grid views |
Change category or model selection |
Move focus between category list, model list, and parameter sliders |
Note: If Model Grid is visible, Shift key must be used to advance the focus out of Model Grid)
(when Model Grid View is in use) Move focus to the first parameter slider |
(when Model Grid View is in use) Display the Model Category menu |
Use up and down arrow keys to navigate, Enter to select in the menu.
Toggle between displaying the Category/Model List View and Model Grid View |
Select Distortion category |
Select Dynamics category |
Select EQ category |
Select Modulation category |
Select Delay category |
Select Reverb category |
Select Pitch/Synth category |
Select Filter category |
Select Wah category |
Select Amp+Cab category (Helix and HX Stomp devices) |
Select Amp category (Helix and HX Stomp devices) |
Select Preamp category (Helix and HX Stomp devices) |
Select Cab category (Helix and Stomp devices) |
Select IR category |
Select Volume/Pan category |
Select Send/Return category |
Select Looper category |
Increment/decrement parameter value - fine adjustment |
Increment/decrement parameter value - coarse adjustment |
Edit numerical parameter value or show drop-down menu for discrete parameter choices |
In the menu, use up / down arrow keys to navigate, and Enter to make selection. Use Esc key to dismiss the menu.
Open the selected slider's context menu for controller assignment options |
For "Note Sync" capable parameters, this toggles the functionality between Note Sync and ms/Hz |
Return the parameter value to its default value |
For block parameters, assigns parameter to a Snapshot controller |
Enter edit mode for numerical parameter value (press Enter to accept edited value) |
(Helix and HX Effects devices only) Focus within these windows is indicated by the turquoise-colored outline surrounding a control, or by the vertical line at the left of any parameter slider.
Any control has focus |
Open and move the Command Center window to the foreground |
When the Command Center window has focus, you can close it using Alt + F4.
Move focus to next command parameter |
Move focus to previous command parameter |
Parameter slider focus |
Adjust the selected parameter slider's value up or down using small increments |
Adjust the selected parameter slider's value up or down using large increments |
Edit numerical parameter value |
Customize label control focus |
Edit custom label |
Remove custom label |
Controller grid focus |
Select controller within grid |
Command Menu focus |
Command menu option selection |
Any control has focus |
Open Global EQ window |
Focus next |
What is your favorite HX Edit (Windows) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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