Pause / Playback |
Toggle fullscreen |
Mute |
Toggle subtitles |
Take a screenshot |
Take a screenshot without subtitles (may or may not work depending on display driver) |
Take a scaled screenshot with subtitles and OSD |
Automatically take screenshot of every frame |
Quit, save current position |
Show progress |
Toggle show progress |
Toggle video window on top |
Next / previous chapter |
Next frame |
Previous frame |
Seek 5 seconds |
Exact seek 1 seconds (don't show on the OSD) |
Seek 60 seconds |
Exact seek 5 seconds (don't show on the OSD) |
Seek 600 seconds |
Increase audio delay |
Decrease audio delay |
Decrease speed |
Increase speed |
Mute / unmute audio |
Cycle aspect ratio ("16:9", "4:3", "2.35:1", "-1") |
Decrease contrast |
Increase contrast |
Decrease brightness |
Increase brightness |
Decrease gamma |
Increase gamma |
Decrease saturation |
Increase saturation |
Decrease audio volume |
Increase audio volume |
Zoom out |
Zoom in |
Show / hide subtitles |
Next subtitle |
Previous subtitle |
Increase subtitle delay |
Decrease subitle delay |
Move subtitles up |
Move subitles down |
Skip to previous / next subtitle |
Adjust timing to previous subtitle |
Adjust timing to next subtitle |
Add video pan-x 0.1 |
Add video pan-x -0.1 |
Add video pan-y 0.1 |
Add video pan-y -0.1 |
Reset video zoom, video pan-x and video pan-y to 0 |
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