(press keyboard shortcut (preference setting, Use Shift Key for Tool Switch, must be enabled)) Cycle through tools that have the same keyboard shortcut |
(click on a tool) Cycle through nested tools |
Move tool |
Zoom tool |
Hand tool |
Eyedropper tool |
Rectangular Marquee tool |
Elliptical Marquee tool |
Lasso tool |
Magnetic Lasso tool |
Polygonal Lasso tool |
Magic Wand tool |
Selection Brush tool |
Quick Selection tool |
Refined Selection tool |
Auto Selection tool |
Horizontal Type tool |
Vertical Type tool |
Horizontal Type Mask tool |
Vertical Type Mask tool |
Text on Selection |
Text on Shape |
Text on Path |
Crop tool |
Perspective Crop |
Cookie Cutter tool |
Recompose tool |
Straighten tool |
Eye tool |
Spot Healing Brush tool |
Healing Brush tool |
Clone Stamp tool |
Pattern Stamp tool |
Eraser tool |
Background Eraser tool |
Magic Eraser tool |
Pencil tool |
Brush tool |
Impressionist Brush |
Color Replacement tool |
Smart Brush tool |
Detail Smart Brush tool |
Paint Bucket tool |
Gradient tool |
Custom Shape tool |
Rectangle tool |
Rounded Rectangle tool |
Ellipse tool |
Polygon tool |
Star tool |
Line tool |
Shape Selection tool |
Blur tool |
Sharpen tool |
Smudge tool |
Sponge tool |
Dodge tool |
Burn tool |
Show/Hide all panels |
Advertisement |
Default foreground and background colors |
Switch foreground and background colors |
(click New button) Set layer options |
(click Trash button) Delete without confirmation |
Apply value and keep text box active |
(click layer thumbnail) Load layer transparency as a selection |
(click layer thumbnail) Add to current selection |
(click layer thumbnail) Subtract from current selection |
(click layer thumbnail) Intersect with current selection |
Merge visible layers |
(click New Layer button) Create new empty layer with dialog |
(click New Layer button) Create new layer below target layer |
Activate bottom/top layer |
Select next layer down/up |
Move target layer down/up |
Merge a copy of all visible layers into target layer |
Merge down |
(use Merge Down command from the panel pop-up menu) Copy current layer to layer below |
(use Merge Visible command from the panel pop-up menu) Copy all visible layers to active layer |
(click the eye icon) Show/hide all other currently visible layers |
Toggle lock transparency for target layer, or last applied lock |
(double click the text layer thumbnail) Select all text; temporarily select Type tool |
(click the line dividing two layers) Create a clipping mask |
(Double-click the layer name) Rename layer |
Add to layer selection in Layers panel |
(drag layer mask) Copy the mask from one layer to another, and ask to replace if the mask is already present |
(drag type when Type layer is selected) Move type in image |
Select 1 character left/right or 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right |
Select characters from insertion point to mouse click point |
Move 1 character left/right, 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right |
Select word |
Select line |
then |
Select paragraph |
(drag a bounding box handle) Scale and skew text within a bounding box when resizing the bounding box |
(when Horizontal Type tool or Horizontal Type Mask tool selected) Align left |
(when Horizontal Type tool or Horizontal Type Mask tool selected) Align center |
(when Horizontal Type tool or Horizontal Type Mask tool selected) Align right |
(when Vertical Type tool or Vertical Type Mask tool selected) Align top |
(when Vertical Type tool or Vertical Type Mask tool selected) Align center |
(when Vertical Type tool or Vertical Type Mask tool selected) Align bottom |
Return to default font style |
Turn Underlining on/off |
Turn Strikethrough on/off |
Decrease type size of selected text 1 pt/px |
Increase type size of selected text 1 pt/px |
Deselect a selection |
Reposition marquee while selecting |
(on any selection tool) Add to or subtract from a selection |
(on any selection tool except Quick Selection tool and Selection Brush tool) Intersect a selection |
Constrain marquee to square or circle (if no other selections are active) |
Draw marquee from center (if no other selections are active) |
Constrain shape and draw marquee from center |
(except when Hand or any shape tool is selected) Switch to Move tool |
Switch from Magnetic Lasso tool to Polygonal Lasso tool |
Delete last anchor point for Magnetic or Polygonal Lasso tool |
Apply an operation of the Magnetic Lasso tool |
(when move tool selected, Option + drag selection) Move copy of selection |
(on any selection) Move selection area 1 pixel |
(move tool) Move selection 1 pixel |
Move layer 1 pixel when nothing selected on layer |
(Magnetic Lasso tool) Increase detection width |
(Magnetic Lasso tool) Decrease detection width |
(crop tool) Accept cropping or exit cropping |
Toggle crop shield off and on |
(on any painting tool or shape tool, except Impressionist Brush) Switch to Eyedropper tool |
(on Eyedropper tool) Select background color |
(on any painting or editing tool. When airbrush option is enabled, use Shift + number keys) Set opacity, tolerance, or exposure for painting |
Cycle through blending modes |
Fill selection/layer with foreground or background color |
Display Fill dialog box |
Lock transparent pixels on/off |
(on any painting tool) Connect points with a straight line (draw a straight line) |
(click on a brush) Delete brush |
Decrease brush size |
Increase brush size |
What is your favorite Adobe Photoshop Elements (Mac) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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