Edit text |
Enter Group |
Exit Group |
Duplicate |
Position and Size |
View Slide Show |
Navigator |
Spellcheck |
Thesaurus |
Edit Points. |
Fit text to frame |
Styles and Formatting |
End presentation |
Play next effect (if any, else go to next slide) |
Go to next slide without playing effects |
Type a number of a slide and press Enter to go to the slide |
Play previous effect again. If no previous effect exists on this slide, show previous slide |
Go to the previous slide without playing effects |
Jump to first slide in the slide show |
Jump to the last slide in the slide show |
Go to the previous slide |
Go to the next slide |
Show black screen until next key or mouse wheel event |
Show white screen until next key or mouse wheel event |
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
Fit page in window |
Zoom in on current selection |
Group selected objects |
Ungroup selected group |
Enter a group, so that you can edit the individual objects of the group. Click outside the group to return to the normal view |
Combine selected objects |
Split selected object. This combination only works on an object that was created by combining two or more objects |
Bring to Front |
Bring Forward |
Send Backward |
Send to Back |
Soft hyphens; hyphenation set by you |
Non-breaking hyphen (is not used for hyphenation) |
Non-breaking spaces. Non-breaking spaces are not used for hyphenation and are not expanded if the text is justified |
Line break without paragraph change |
Move cursor to left |
Move cursor with selection to the left |
Go to beginning of word |
Reklama |
Selecting to the left word by word |
Move cursor to right |
Move cursor with selection to the right |
Go to start of next word |
Selecting to the right word by word |
Move cursor up one line |
Selecting lines in an upwards direction |
Move cursor to beginning of the previous paragraph |
Select to beginning of paragraph. Next keystroke extends selection to beginning of previous paragraph |
Move cursor down one line |
Selecting lines in a downward direction |
Move cursor to end of paragraph. Next keystroke move cursor to end of next paragraph |
Select to end of paragraph. Next keystroke extends selection to end of next paragraph |
Go to beginning of line |
Go and select to the beginning of a line |
Go to end of line |
Go and select to end of line |
Go to start of text block in slide |
Go and select text to start of text block in slide |
Go to end of text block in slide |
Go and select text to end of document |
Delete text to end of word |
Delete text to beginning of word |
In a list: delete an empty paragraph in front of the current paragraph |
Delete text to end of sentence |
Delete text to beginning of sentence |
Moves the selected object or the page view in the direction of the arrow |
Move around in the page view |
Constrains the movement of the selected object horizontally or vertically |
Hold down Ctrl and drag an object to create a copy of the object |
(with Copy when moving option active) Hold down Alt to draw or resize objects by dragging from the center of the object outward |
Select the object behind the currently selected object |
Select the object in front of the currently selected object |
Select adjacent items or a text passage. Click at the start of a selection, move to the end of the selection, and then hold down Shift while you click |
(when resizing) Hold down Shift while dragging to resize an object to maintain the proportions of the object |
Select objects in the order in which they were created |
Select objects in the reverse order in which they were created |
Exit current mode |
Activate a placeholder object in a new presentation (only if the frame is selected) |
Moves to the next text object on the slide |
there are no text objects on the slide, or if you reached the last text object, a new slide is inserted after the current slide. The new slide uses the same layout as the current slide |
Switch to the previous slide. No function on the first slide |
Switch to the next slide. No function on the last slide |
What is your favorite LibreOffice Impress hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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