Movement |
Move quickly |
Move sideways |
Jump |
Look up |
Look down |
Look ahead |
Search/activate nearest object in view |
Rest |
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
Select character 1 |
Select character 2 |
Select character 3 |
Select character 4 |
Talk to visible NPCs |
(in Adventure Screen) Game Options menu |
(Elsewhere) Close current window |
Toggle full-screen mode |
Toggle "always run" |
Yell (causes friendly creatures and peasants to move out of the way) |
Quick reference |
Cycle active character |
(on a valid target) Cast readied spell |
(click on a valid target) Attack |
(click on a valid target) Steal |
(on portrait with item as the pointer) Use item |
(on portrait with item as the pointer) Read book/scroll |
(press character # while holding item) Give item |
(on empty bottle with herb as the pointer) Create potion |
(on potion with potiion as the pointer) Mix potion |
Note: If using an item with a shortcut causes the target to be invalid, then the pointer will change to a crosshair to allow you to select a valid target.
What is your favorite Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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