Nitro PDF Pro 14.29 keyboard shortcuts 

Nitro PDF Pro 14.29  

7 hours ago
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Program information

Program name: Nitro PDF Pro 14.29 Nitro PDF Pro 14.29 (Productivity)

Nitro PDF Pro - bu Windows uchun ko'p qirrali PDF muharriri bo'lib, PDF-fayllarni yaratish, tahrirlash, o'zgartirish va himoyalash vositalarini taklif etadi. U Optik belgilarni aniqlash (OCR), ommaviy ishlov berishni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi va Google Drive va Dropbox kabi bulut xizmatlari bilan integratsiyalashadi. Dastur shuningdek, elektron imzolar, izohlar va parolni himoyalash uchun funksiyalarni o'z ichiga oladi.

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Last update: 27/10/2024 02:31 UTC

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Updated: Yangilangan dastur haqida ma'lumot. (11 updates.) 27/10/2024 01:23:02 Yangilangan dastur haqida ma'lumot.
27/10/2024 01:23:58 Yangilangan dastur haqida ma'lumot.
27/10/2024 01:24:37 Yangilangan dastur haqida ma'lumot.
27/10/2024 01:35:21 Yangilangan dastur haqida ma'lumot.
27/10/2024 02:31:47 Yangilangan dastur haqida ma'lumot.

Shortcut count: 145

Platform detected: Windows yoki Linux

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