Load track to Deck 1 |
Load track to Deck 2 |
Instant double Deck1 |
Instant double Deck2 |
Move to tag list |
Show split screen |
Deck 1: Play / Pause |
Deck 2: Play / Pause |
Deck 1: Cue |
Deck 2: Cue |
Deck 1: Return to beginning of the track |
Deck 2: Return to beginning of the track |
Deck 1: Jump forward |
Deck 2: Jump forward |
Deck 1: Jump reverse |
Deck 2: Jump reverse |
Deck 1: BEAT SYNC |
Deck 2: BEAT SYNC |
Deck 1: Beat sync master |
Deck 2: Beat sync master |
Deck 1: Master tempo |
Deck 2: Master tempo |
Deck 1: Pitch bend + |
Deck 2: Pitch bend + |
Deck 1: Pitch bend - |
Deck 2: Pitch bend - |
Deck 1: Increase tempo (medium) |
Deck 2: Increase tempo (medium) |
Deck 1: Decrease tempo (medium) |
Deck 2: Decrease tempo (medium) |
Deck 1: Slip reverse |
Deck 2: Slip reverse |
Deck 1: Next track |
Deck 2: Next track |
Deck 1: Previous track |
Deck 2: Previous track |
Deck 1: Set memory cue |
Deck 2: Set memory cue |
Deck 1: Delete memory cue |
Deck 2: Delete memory cue |
Deck 1: Call next memory cue |
Deck 2: Call next memory cue |
Deck 1: Call previous memory cue |
Deck 2: Call previous memory cue |
Deck 1: Set hot cue A |
Deck 2: Set hot cue A |
Deck 1: Set hot cue B |
Deck 2: Set hot cue B |
Deck 1: Set hot cue C |
Deck 2: Set hot cue C |
Deck 1: Set hot cue D |
Deck 2: Set hot cue D |
Deck 1: Clear hot cue A |
Deck 2: Clear hot cue A |
Deck 1: Clear hot cue B |
Deck 2: Clear hot cue B |
Deck 1: Clear hot cue C |
Deck 2: Clear hot cue C |
Reklama |
Deck 1: Clear hot cue D |
Deck 2: Clear hot cue D |
Deck 1: Halve the loop |
Deck 2: Halve the loop |
Deck 1: Double the loop |
Deck 2: Double the loop |
Deck 1: Auto beat loop on / off |
Deck 2: Auto beat loop on / off |
Deck 1: Loop in |
Deck 2: Loop in |
Deck 1: Loop out |
Deck 2: Loop out |
Deck 1: Exit / Reloop |
Deck 2: Exit / Reloop |
Deck 1: 1/2 beat loop |
Deck 2: 1/2 beat loop |
Deck 1: 1 beat loop |
Deck 2: 1 beat loop |
Deck 1: 2 beat loop |
Deck 2: 2 beat loop |
Deck 1: 4 beat loop |
Deck 2: 4 beat loop |
Deck 1: 8 beat loop |
Deck 2: 8 beat loop |
Deck 1: Metronome volume |
Deck 2: Metronome volume |
Deck 1: Adjust beatgrid to playback position |
Deck 2: Adjust beatgrid to playback position |
Deck 1: Fine shift Beatgrid right |
Deck 2: Fine shift Beatgrid right |
Deck 1: Fine shift Beatgrid left |
Deck 2: Fine shift Beatgrid left |
Deck 1: Expand beat intervals |
Deck 2: Expand beat intervals |
Deck 1: Shrink beat intervals |
Deck 2: Shrink beat intervals |
Deck 1: Show grid panel |
Deck 2: Show grid panel |
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
Zoom reset |
Playback slot 1 |
Playback slot 2 |
Playback slot 3 |
Playback slot 4 |
Playback slot 9 |
Playback slot 10 |
Playback slot 11 |
Playback slot 12 |
Pause slot 1 |
Pause slot 2 |
Pause slot 3 |
Pause slot 4 |
Pause slot 9 |
Pause slot 10 |
Pause slot 11 |
Pause slot 12 |
Playback sequence |
Previous sequence |
Next sequence |
Start / Pause REC |
Search in the collection |
Toggle the layout (decks and browse screen) |
Load track to left deck |
Load track to right deck |
Instant double left deck |
Instant double right deck |
Show split screen |
What is your favorite Rekordbox 6 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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