Move focus to next element |
Move Move focus to previous element |
Move focus through messages in a channel or DM |
Move focus to the next section |
Move focus to the previous section |
Take action or "click" on buttons |
Take action or "click" on links |
Close windows, menus or message input box |
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
Scroll up |
Scroll down |
Quick switcher |
Quick switcher (only in desktop app) |
Direct messages menu |
Open all threads view |
Previous channel or DM |
Next channel or DM |
Previous unread channel or DM |
Previous channel or DM visited |
Next channel or DM visited |
Preferences |
Open or close right pane |
Channel info page |
Activity |
Directory |
Starred items |
Search the current channel or conversation |
Toggle full screen view |
Open all unreads view |
(on a message) Mark messages as unread |
Move between channels |
Toggle current channel read or unread |
Switch to previous team |
Switch to next team |
( |
Mark all messages in current channel or DM as read |
Mark all messages as read |
Set a message as your oldest unread message |
Note: Make sure your cursor is in the message box to perform these shortcuts.
(in empty message box) Edit your last message |
Select text to the beginning of current line |
Select text to the end of current line |
Create a new line in your message |
Add emoji reactions to a message |
Upload a file |
Create a new snippet |
What is your favorite Slack hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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