Micro Nudge Anchor Down |
Micro Nudge Anchor Left |
Micro Nudge Anchor Right |
Micro Nudge Anchor Up |
Nudge Anchor Down |
Nudge Anchor Left |
Nudge Anchor Right |
Nudge Anchor Up |
Select All Anchors |
Super Nudge Anchor Down |
Super Nudge Anchor Left |
Super Nudge Anchor Right |
Super Nudge Anchor Up |
Add to Selection Group 0 |
Add to Selection Group 1 |
Add to Selection Group 2 |
Add to Selection Group 3 |
Add to Selection Group 4 |
Add to Selection Group 5 |
Add to Selection Group 6 |
Add to Selection Group 7 |
Add to Selection Group 8 |
Add to Selection Group 9 |
Align Bottom |
Align Centers Horizontally |
Align Centers Vertically |
Align Left |
Align Right |
Align Top |
Precisely position objects in relation to each other or to specific locations on the page. |
Align to Baseline |
Enable or disable alignment guides. |
Add artistic brush, spray, and calligraphic effects by using freehand strokes. |
Move object one level down in the stacking order. |
Break the object apart to create multiple objects and paths. |
Break the symmetry link to create a group of objects and paths. |
Brightness/Contrast/Intensity |
Bring up Property Bar |
Add or remove bulleted-list formatting. |
Center to Page |
Close Window |
Color Balance |
Open the Color Styles docker. |
Combine objects into a single object with common properties. |
Contour Docker Window |
Convert Text |
Convert outline to object |
Allow the object to be modified by using the shape tools. |
Place copies of one or more objects on the Clipboard. |
CorelDRAW Options |
Create and add objects to a symmetry group, or convert an existing curve to a symmetry group. |
Move one or more objects to the Clipboard. |
Advertisement |
Define Selection Group 0 |
Define Selection Group 1 |
Define Selection Group 2 |
Define Selection Group 3 |
Define Selection Group 4 |
Define Selection Group 5 |
Define Selection Group 6 |
Define Selection Group 7 |
Define Selection Group 8 |
Define Selection Group 9 |
Delete |
Distribute Bottom |
Distribute Centers Horizontally |
Distribute Centers Vertically |
Distribute Left |
Distribute Right |
Distribute Spacing Horizontally |
Distribute Spacing Vertically |
Distribute Top |
Align objects with the document grid. |
Duplicate |
Align objects with other objects by using dynamic guidelines. |
Edit symmetry properties, and add objects to the symmetry group. |
Modify text by using a text editor. |
Draw circles and ellipses by dragging in the drawing window. |
Envelope Docker Window |
Remove unwanted areas in a drawing. |
Exit |
Save a duplicate of the document to a different file format. |
Find and Replace |
Exit the Edit Symmetry mode. |
Font Size Decrease |
Font Size Increase |
Font Size Next Combo Size |
Font Size Previous Combo Size |
Move object one level up in the stacking order. |
Fill an object with a gradient of colors or shades. |
Draw curves and straight line segments. |
Show a full-screen preview of the document. |
Explore characters, glyphs, and OpenType features within fonts. |
Draw a grid. |
Group objects while preserving their individual attributes. |
Changes the text to horizontal direction |
Hue/Saturation/Lightness |
Import a file into the active document. |
Dynamically apply the current fill to an object in the drawing window. |
Join Curves |
Lens Docker Window |
Sketch naturally and fluidly with intelligent stroke adjustment. |
Fill an object by blending multiple colors or shades arranged over a mesh grid. |
Micro Nudge Down |
Micro Nudge Left |
Micro Nudge Right |
Micro Nudge Up |
Create identical shapes mirrored on a set of planes. |
Navigator |
Start a new document. |
Next Page |
Nudge Down |
Nudge Left |
Nudge Right |
Nudge Up |
Open the Object Styles docker. |
Align objects with other objects in the document. |
Open an existing document by browsing to the folder where the document is located. |
Choose the outline color by using color viewers and color palettes. |
Set outline properties such as line thickness, corner shape, and arrow type. |
Drag hidden areas of a drawing into view without changing the zoom level. |
Pan Down |
Pan Left |
Pan Right |
Pan Up |
Place the Clipboard contents in the document. |
Paste in View |
Draw polygons by dragging in the drawing window. |
Previous Page |
Choose printing options, and print the active document. |
Allows the properties of an object to be viewed and edited. |
Recall Selection Group 0 |
Recall Selection Group 1 |
Recall Selection Group 2 |
Recall Selection Group 3 |
Recall Selection Group 4 |
Recall Selection Group 5 |
Recall Selection Group 6 |
Recall Selection Group 7 |
Recall Selection Group 8 |
Recall Selection Group 9 |
What is your favorite CorelDRAW 2020 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
6 hours ago
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2 days ago
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