Create new project |
Create new project and bypass the Project Properties dialog |
Exit |
Close the current project |
Open an existing project |
Project properties |
Save project |
Save project as |
Save version (incremental save) |
Set focus to timeline |
Show Explorer window |
Show Trimmer window |
Show Master Bus window |
Show Video Preview window |
Show Project Media window |
Show Project Notes window |
Show Transitions window |
Show Video FX window |
Show Media Generators window |
Show Plug-in Manager window |
Show Video Scopes window |
Show Surround Panner window |
Show Edit Details window |
Show Mixing Console window |
Show Device Explorer window |
Show Loudness Meters window |
Show Dashboard |
Open Color Grading mode |
Open Motion Tracking mode |
Show / Hide audio bus tracks |
Show / Hide video bus tracks |
Show / Hide event media markers |
Show / Hide active take information |
Note: Stretched audio events will display a percentage in the lower-right corner of the event to indicate the stretched playback rate. If the media has a known tempo, the effective playback tempo (after stretching) is listed in parentheses after the stretch amount.
Show / Hide waveforms on events in the timeline |
Show / Hide event buttons |
Toggle Event headers |
Show / Hide event fade lengths between selected and non-selected events |
Toggle the display of the frame under the cursor or display splitscreen previews when you perform one of following edits: |
Event slip, event slip-trim, event slide, or crossfade/transition slide. For example, when you drag the edge of a video event with this command selected, the Video Preview window will update to draw the last frame in the event as you drag. When the command is not selected, a static frame is displayed.
Show / Hide envelopes |
Show next window |
Show previous window |
Recall window layout |
Save window layout |
Load default window layout |
Load Vegas 14 default layout |
Load audio mixing window layout |
Load color correction window layout |
When both are visible, toggle focus between track list and timeline (and bus track list and timeline if bus tracks are visible) |
Switch focus to previous / next track or bus track |
Zoom in / out horizontally in small increments (if timeline has focus) |
Zoom in / out horizontally in large increments or zoom to selection (if one exists) |
Zoom in time until each video thumbnail represents one frame |
Decrease height of all tracks or bus tracks (depending on the focus) |
Increase height of all tracks or bus tracks (depending on the focus) |
Advertisement |
Minimize / restore track height |
When restoring track height, tracks that you previously minimized are not restored. These tracks can be restored by clicking the Restore Track Height button on the track header.
Set track heights to default height |
Minimize / restore the window docking area |
Maximize / restore the timeline vertically and horizontally (window docking area and track list will be hidden) |
Zoom waveforms in / out vertically (audio only) |
Center view around cursor |
Go to |
Set end of time selection |
Go to beginning of time selection or viewable area (if no time selection) |
Go to end of time selection or viewable area (if no time selection) |
Go to beginning of project |
Go to end of project |
Select loop region |
Restore previous five time selections |
Move left by grid marks |
Move right by grid marks |
Move left / right one pixel (when Quantize to Frames is turned off) |
Move to previous / next marker |
Move one frame left / right |
Move left / right to event edit points (including fade edges) |
Move left / right (when not in edge-trimming mode or during playback) |
Move edit cursor to playback cursor position during playback |
Move cursor to corresponding marker or select corresponding region |
Move to previous CD track |
Move to next CD track |
Move to previous CD index or region |
Move to next CD index or region |
Set in point |
Set out point |
(drag with mouse) Create time selection while dragging on an event |
Cut selection |
Copy selection |
Paste from clipboard |
Paste insert |
Paste repeat |
Delete selection |
Trim event to selection |
Render to new track |
Create nested timeline |
Open nested timeline |
Open parent timeline |
Undo |
Redo |
Rebuild audio peaks |
Switch to normal editing tool |
Switch to next editing tool |
Switch to previous editing tool |
Enable multicamera editing |
(click events) Range select |
(click individual events) Multiple select |
Select all |
Unselect all |
Cut selection |
Copy selection |
Paste from clipboard |
Paste insert |
Paste repeat |
Delete selection |
Split events at cursor |
Smart Split selected event |
Rename selected event |
Trim / Crop selected events |
Move cursor to edge of previous selected events |
Trim the start of the selected event to the cursor position |
Time select previous selected event |
Move cursor to edge of next selected event |
Trim the end of the selected event to the cursor position |
Time select next selected event |
Move selected events one frame left |
Move selected events one frame right |
Move selected events one pixel left |
Move selected events one pixel right |
Enter edge-trimming mode and select event start; move to previous event edge |
What is your favorite Vegas Pro 18 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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