Window Take a screenshot |
Take a screenshot |
Take a partial screenshot |
(if your Chromebook converts into a tablet) Take a screenshot |
Toggle Caps Lock |
Lock the screen |
(twice) Sign out of your Google Account |
List all keyboard shortcuts available |
Note: If you’re using a Windows or Mac keyboard, use the Windows key or Command key in place of the Search key.
Open a new window |
Open a new window in incognito mode |
Open a new tab |
Open a file in the browser |
Close the current tab |
Close the current window |
Reopen the last tab or window that you closed |
(… to |
Go to the last tab in the window |
Go to the next tab in the window |
Go to the previous tab in the window |
Switch quickly between windows |
Open the window least used recently |
Go to previous page in your browsing history |
Go to the next page in your browsing history |
and click a link: Open the link in a new tab in the background |
and click a link: Open the link in a new tab and switch to the new tab |
and click a link: Open the link in a new window |
Drag the link to the tab's address bar to open the link in the tab.
Drag the link to a blank area on the tab strip to open the link in a new tab.
(on address bar) Open the web page in a new tab |
While dragging the tab, press Esc to return the tab to its original position.
Dock a window on the left |
Dock a window on the right |
Switch windows between screens (when your Chromebook is connected to a monitor) |
Page up |
Page down |
Scroll down the web page |
Go to top of page |
Go to bottom of page |
Print your current page |
Save your current page |
Reload your current page |
Reload your current page without using cached content |
Zoom in on the page |
Zoom out on the page |
Reset zoom level |
Stop the loading of your current page |
(click the link) Right-click a link |
(click the link) Open the link in a new tab in the background |
To save the link as a bookmark, drag link to bookmarks bar.
Save your current web page as a bookmark |
Save all open pages in your current window as bookmarks in a new folder |
Search the current page |
Go to the next match for your search |
Werbung |
Go to the previous match for your search |
Perform a Google search |
Add www. and .com to your input in the address bar, then open the page |
View page source |
Show or hide the Developer Tools panel |
Show or hide the DOM Inspector |
Show or hide the bookmarks bar |
Open the History page |
Open the Downloads page |
Delete selected Autofill suggestion when filling in a form |
Open the Files app |
the file, then press Space Preview a file in the Files app |
Display hidden files in the Files app |
Open the status area (where your account picture appears) |
… to |
Click the last icon on your shelf |
… to |
See your notifications |
Change screen resolution |
Reset screen resolution to default |
Rotate screen 90 degrees |
Switch to the next user |
Switch to the previous user |
Show stylus tools |
Turn Caps Lock on or off |
Select everything on the page |
Select the content in the address bar |
Select the next word or letter |
Select text to the end of the line |
Select text to the beginning of the line |
Select previous word or letter |
Move to the end of the next word |
Move to the start of the previous word |
Go to end of document |
Go to beginning of document |
Copy selected content to the clipboard |
Paste content from the clipboard |
Paste content from the clipboard as plain text |
Cut |
Delete the previous word |
Delete the next letter (forward delete) |
Undo your last action |
Redo your last action |
Switch between the keyboard languages that you've set |
Switch to the previous keyboard language that you were using |
Dim keyboard (for backlit keyboards only) |
Make keyboard brighter (for backlit keyboards only) |
Turn ChromeVox (spoken feedback) on or off |
Turn on high contrast mode |
Highlight the launcher button on your shelf |
Highlight the next item on your shelf |
Highlight the previous item on your shelf |
Open the highlighted button on your shelf |
Remove the highlight from a button on your shelf |
Switch focus between status area, launcher, address bar, bookmarks bar (if visible), currently open page, downloads bar (if visible) |
Highlight the bookmarks bar (if shown) |
Highlight the row with the address bar |
Open right-click menu for highlighted item |
For information about using a braille device with your Chromebook, take a look at this Google support page.
Source: Google support pages
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