Normal mode is the default mode when you launch Helix. Return to it from other modes by typing Escape.
NOTE: Unlike Vim, F, Shift+F, T and Shift+T are not confined to the current line.
Move left |
Move down |
Move up |
Move right |
Move next word start |
Move previous word start |
Move next word end |
Move next word start |
Move previous word start |
Move next word end |
Find until next char |
Find next char |
Find until previous char |
Find previous char |
Go to line number |
Repeat last motion (f, t or m) |
Move to the start of the line |
Move to the end of the line |
Move page up |
Move page down |
Move half page up |
Move half page down |
Jump forward on the jumplist |
Jump backward on the jumplist |
Save the current selection to the jumplist |
Replace with a character |
Replace with yanked text |
Switch case of the selected text |
Set the selected text to lower case |
Set the selected text to upper case |
Insert before selection |
Insert after selection (append) |
Insert at the start of the line |
Insert at the end of the line |
Open new line below selection |
Open new line above selection |
Repeat last insert |
Undo change |
Redo change |
Move backward in history |
Move forward in history |
Yank selection |
Paste after selection |
Paste before selection |
Indent selection |
Unindent selection |
Format selection (currently nonfunctional/disabled) (LSP) |
Delete selection |
Delete selection, without yanking |
Advertisement |
Change selection (delete and enter insert mode) |
Change selection (delete and enter insert mode, without yanking) |
Increment object (number) under cursor |
Decrement object (number) under cursor |
Start/stop macro recording to the selected register (experimental) |
Play back a recorded macro from the selected register (experimental) |
Pipe each selection through shell command, replacing with output |
Pipe each selection into shell command, ignoring output |
Run shell command, inserting output before each selection |
Run shell command, appending output after each selection |
Pipe each selection into shell command, keep selections where command returned 0 |
Select all regex matches inside selections |
Split selection into sub selections on regex matches |
Split selection on newlines |
Merge selections |
Merge consecutive selections |
Align selection in columns |
Trim whitespace from the selection |
Collapse selection onto a single cursor |
Flip selection cursor and anchor |
Ensures the selection is in forward direction |
Keep only the primary selection |
Remove the primary selection |
Copy selection onto the next line (Add cursor below) |
Copy selection onto the previous line (Add cursor above) |
Rotate main selection backward |
Rotate main selection forward |
Rotate selection contents backward |
Alt + ) |
Rotate selection contents forward |
Select entire file |
Select current line, if already selected, extend to next line |
Extend selection to line bounds (line-wise selection) |
Shrink selection to line bounds (line-wise selection) |
Join lines inside selection |
Join lines inside selection and select the inserted space |
Keep selections matching the regex |
Remove selections matching the regex |
Comment/uncomment the selections |
Expand selection to parent syntax node (TS) |
Alt-down Shrink syntax tree object selection (TS) |
Select previous sibling node in syntax tree (TS) |
Select next sibling node in syntax tree (TS) |
Search commands all operate on the / register by default. To use a different register, use "
Search for regex pattern |
Search for previous pattern |
Select next search match |
Select previous search match |
Use current selection as the search pattern |
These sub-modes are accessible from normal mode and typically switch back to normal mode after a command.
Enter select (extend) mode |
Enter goto mode |
Enter match mode |
Enter command mode |
Enter view mode |
Enter sticky view mode |
Enter window mode |
Enter space mode |
These modes (except command mode) can be configured by remapping keys.
View mode is accessed by typing z in normal mode |
View mode is intended for scrolling and manipulating the view without changing the selection. The "sticky" variant of this mode (accessed by typing Z in normal mode) is persistent and can be exited using the escape key. This is useful when you're simply looking over text and not actively editing it.
Vertically center the line |
Align the line to the top of the screen |
Align the line to the bottom of the screen |
Align the line to the middle of the screen (horizontally) |
Scroll the view downwards |
Scroll the view upwards |
Move page down |
Move page up |
Move half page down |
Move half page up |
What is your favorite Helix 23.10 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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