File: New |
File: Open |
File: Save |
File: Save As |
File: Save Results |
File: Print |
File: Options |
File: New Frame Window |
File: Close Window |
Server: Register Server Clone |
Server: Register Server |
Server: Server Properties |
Server: Connect |
Server: Disconnect |
Server: Query Analyzer |
Server: Query Analyzer Clone |
Server: Query Analyzer Window |
Server: FluidShell |
Server: Query Builder |
Server: Execute |
Server: Delete |
Query: Parse |
Query: Execute |
Query: Execute Current |
Query: Execute Edit |
Query: Execute Explain |
Query: Stop |
Query: Describe |
Query: Auto Commit |
Query: Commit |
Query: Rollback |
Query: Reconnect |
Query: Auto Complete |
Query: Auto Complete On All Schemas |
Query: Refresh Auto Schema |
Query: SQL History |
Query: Show Text |
Query: Show Text History |
Query: Show DBMS_OUTPUT |
Query: Show Grid |
Query: Show Explain Plan |
Query: Show Client Stats |
Automate: Introduce INSERT Stmt |
Automate: Introduce UPDATE Stmt |
Automate: Introduce DELETE Stmt |
Automate: Introduce SELECT Stmt |
Automate: Introduce Columns |
Automate: Introduce Qualified Columns |
Automate: Introduce Value Stubs |
Automate: Comment Statement |
Automate: // Comment Line |
Automate: -- Comment Line |
Automate: /* Comment Block |
Automate: Morph to Upper Case |
Automate: Morph to Lower Case |
Automate: Morph to Delimited List |
Automate: Format Current Statement |
Automate: Format Script |
Tools: Results Compare |
Publicité |
Tools: Copy Compare |
Window: MultiTab/SplitPane Results |
Window: Show/Hide Application Toolbar |
Window: Show/Hide Query Toolbar |
Window: Show/Hide Editor Window |
Window: Show/Hide Query Results |
Window: Show/Hide Tree Panels |
Window: Next Tab |
Window: Previous Tab |
Window: Next Inner Tab |
Window: Focus Last Tab |
Window: Rename Current Tab |
Window: Close Current Tab |
Window: Close All Tabs |
Window: Focus Top/Bottom Inside Tab |
Window: Focus Tree/Document |
Help: Key Assist |
Help: Online Documentation |
Diff: Next Difference |
Diff: Previous Difference |
Edit: Cut |
Edit: Copy |
Edit: Paste |
Edit: Paste ... |
Edit: Undo |
Edit: Redo |
Edit: Select All |
Edit: Find |
Edit: Find (alternative) |
Edit: Find Next |
Edit: Find Previous |
Edit: Replace |
Edit: Find Word At Caret |
Edit: Goto |
Edit: Toggle Bookmark |
Edit: Previous Bookmark |
Edit: Next Bookmark |
Edit: Duplicate Line |
Edit: Delete Previous Word |
Edit: Delete Next Word |
Edit: Delete to End of Line |
Edit: Line Start |
Edit: Line End |
Edit: Previous Word |
Edit: Next Word |
Edit: To Lower |
Edit: To Upper |
Folding Expand |
Edit: Folding Expand (alternative) |
Edit: Folding Collapse |
Folding Expand All |
Edit: Folding Expand All (alternative) |
Edit: Folding Collapse All |
Edit: Folding Fold Selection / Remove region |
Edit: Next Highlighted Error |
Edit: Previous Highlighted Error |
Edit: Next Change |
Edit: Previous Change |
Edit: Move Line(s) Up |
Edit: Move Line(s) Down |
Edit: Move Caret to Code Block Start |
Edit: Move Caret to Code Block End |
Edit: Move Caret to Code Block Start with Selection |
Edit: Move Caret to Code Block End with Selection |
Edit: Show Completion |
Edit: Show Parameter Information |
File: Refresh |
File: Save & Refresh |
File: Save Changes |
File: Save Script |
File: Close |
File: Copy |
File: Paste |
Edit: Insert Row Before Selected |
Edit: Delete Row |
Edit: Clone Selected Rows |
Edit: Highlight Current Column |
Edit: Highlight Current Row |
Edit: AutoFit Column Width |
Edit: Find |
Edit: Find Next |
Edit: Find Previous |
Edit: Find and Replace |
Edit: Fill Down |
Edit: Fill Right |
Edit: Clear Changes |
Edit: Clear Selected Deleted Row(s) |
Edit: Clear Cell Changes |
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1103161 62
496535 4
410458 23
363181 5
275616 1
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